
Friday 28 July 2023

Palestinian Hate Crimes

Ahmad Abu Marhia, a 25 year old homosexual man from the Palestinian run territories ...

Ahmad Abu Marhia
Ahmad Abu Marhia

 .... was found beheaded in Hebron, his former home town.

Its believed that this was done, because homosexuality is rejected within most socially and religiously conservative parts of the Palestinian areas, and is haram (forbidden) in most Muslim lands (even though its not uncommon in societies where women are largely segregated, and only men inhabit the streets). LGBTQ groups in Israel, say he had received threats because he was gay.

He had been trying to claim asylum in Israel proper, where around 90 Palestinians who identify as LGBT currently live as asylum seekers to another country .... they usually try to get to Western countries such as Canada or the UK (despite having little or no language, religious, or cultural affinity with these countries).

Such is the scandal of homosexuality in Palestinian society, that his family have downplayed this aspect of his life, saying that the claims about the motive for his murder was "rumour", and said that he regularly visited Hebron to see them and to work. What sort of work would bring him back to an area where he was at risk of being killed was not mentioned by his family.

Which also raised the possibility of some sort of family, or lover, honour killing as well as just being religious enforcement killing .... police have arrested an unnamed suspect. No word from Western PLO supporters in the West like Jeremy Corbyn, about what they think about this sort of barbarity, so reminiscent of ISIS, the Taliban and others, from their poster boys in the middle east.

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