In yet another woke policy failing in the face of reality ....
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Alcohol Restrictions Tried In Northern And Western Australia |
..... new restrictions in January 2023 mean that no takeaway alcohol will now be sold in Alice Springs - a town about 450km north-east of Uluru - on Mondays or Tuesdays.
Alcohol can also only be sold between 15:00 and 19:00 on all days except Saturdays. These restrictions impact the approximately 24,855 people in the Alice Springs Urban Area of which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make up 21.2% of the population.
A previous ban ended in mid-2022 after it was deemed by pressure groups as racial discrimination, i.e. it was apparently restricting some Aboriginal men's ability to get blind drunk and assault their women (usually to steal their alcohol, locally known as grog, when they have drunk their own), and children, as well as each other. Alcohol problems have been observed in their communities since early colonial days.
Of course, the ending of the previous ban in 2022 had immediately resulted in a large surge in domestic violence, especially amongst the aboriginal community. In the 12 months to November 2022, there were 2,653 assaults in a town of roughly 25,000 people, according to the Northern Territory government's crime statistics.
So rather than admit that the severe problem is largely within the Aboriginal community (which is why they were the subject of the original ban that had been deemed "racist"), everyone is impacted by the new ban. Now, it has to pointed out that Australia has an impressive (or alarming, depending on your views on alcohol consumption), drink culture in general, with nationally 40% of reported domestic violence incidents related to alcohol, as well as 34% of falls and drownings, and 30% of road accidents, so the Aboriginal community are not standouts in their love of the alcohol, which fuels much of these incidents in the wider Australian community generally.
But amongst the non aboriginal population, drinking until trouble brews is far less common e.g. More than 40% of Aboriginal men and more than 20% of women drink more than 13 drinks whenever they go out drinking, as opposed to the 45% of non-Aboriginal males and almost 70% of non-Aboriginal females who only consume one to two drinks during a pub visit .... the reverse of the Aboriginal populations drinking habits.
In the past, before wokeism took root, many Aboriginal communities had recognised the alcohol issues in their community, and many smaller towns persuaded state officials to restrict the sale of alcohol or ban it outright, but that hopeful trend, that had reaped immediate improvements in violence levels, was immediately reversed as indigenous pressure groups said white administered restrictions were racist. Of course this simply damaged small Aboriginal communities that had responsibly tackled their alcohol problem, but had needed state help to stop the alcohol getting in to their communities.
Source: Aboriginal alcohol consumption - Creative Spirits, retrieved from
Source: Aboriginal alcohol consumption - Creative Spirits, retrieved from
So now, the 79 per cent of Alice Springs population who are not of Aboriginal heritage, have to also suffer the alcohol bans .... as that's the only fair solution in a woke world ... isn't it? Well isn't it? After all the Aboriginal communities alcohol problem means all the others must be punished as well.
The Western world has been infected with many liberal ideas that invariably don't work in the real world. For instance, many, if not all, of the large conurbations in the USA are run by entrenched Democrat councils, and all are suffering a large spike in violence and drug related crimes, which directly relate to the de-fund the police, decriminalise drugs (and in at least one case thefts under $950) policies being inflicted on communities already under stress.
White flight from many larger conurbations in the USA, is now reportedly starting again, following the jobs that are leaving, and many city tax incomes are consequently dropping, as well as employment opportunities dwindling ... all because woke policies always fail in the face of certain realities about some communities proclivities.
So the civil system is failing in many respects, and it's no coincidence that Republicans in the USA garner their support mainly from the white, tax paying community, whilst the Democrats gain much of their support from minority groups whose tax base is lower.
The term "vote woke, go broke" is now regularly thrown about in US politics, and Australia, it appears, has the same infection ... no doubt we will follow suit.
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