
Friday 28 October 2022

Chickens Always Come Home Roost

In the US, store chains such as Walgreens in San Francisco, which has already closed 17 stores in the California city over the past five years ....

Brazen Theft By Criminals
The Result of BLM, Defund The Police,
 Decriminalisation Of Crime Policies

 ..... have now been hit by waves of brazen daylight gang theft, with no help from the police or the District Attorney, who usually refuses to ask for jail time, in what is described by them as 'petty crimes' such as shoplifting, burglary, non violent drug offences etc i.e misdemeanours.

This after the Democrat dingbats in San Francisco, who supported the BLM, Defund The Police campaigns, also voted in city referendum Proposition 47, to lower the penalty for stealing goods worth less than $950 from a felony to a misdemeanour .... so now entire stores in the city are being stripped by gangs of thieves, while staff can do no more than look on and film it.

Laughably the very same people who organised the referendum to decriminalise theft under $950, because "too many in the 'community' were getting criminal records", are now really upset at the Walgreen stores being closed. The closures came after the theft levels in those stores rose to five times the chains national average. The chain simply couldn't afford to carry on spending 46 times the chains average security spend,on security measures in their San Francisco stores, just to provide a safe environment for staff. Walgreens recently announced that it will closing be an additional five store locations in San Francisco due to the continued increase in “organized retail crime.” 

One member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors said the new closures will “significantly impact” the 'community' ... by 'community' they of course are speaking the PC/Woke euphemism for  the local black community, whose boys and girls are still stealing from those shops, and causing them to close. Lets be honest, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors are simply fucking idiots, who believe that mass criminality from one community, in the city should be willingly subsidised by the rest of the population.

However Twitter is now full of upset non 'community' San Francisco liberals, who are now crying tears of remorse for the result of their proposition vote, as the city retail sector slowly disappears, with the loss of taxes, jobs and income .... one man said he had supported proposition 47, but accepted that actually it is 'a huge disaster' for the city, that is 'crippling' it. 

The same liberal, also admitted that the stolen Walgreen goods are now openly sold on streets, with no police intervention for what's now just classed as a 'misdemeanour', and has no possibility of jail time even if the District Attorneys Office are bothered to charge anyone. He also admitted that the thieves had no care of the damage they do to their 'community,' as the closed stores were the only local pharmacy services in those areas of the city ... and that it was 'sickening to know these people are willing to cut off their nose,' with no thought of the consequences for their residents .... but hey, Black Lives Matter, and too many in that community had criminal records for theft. So what's he moaning about? Its what they voted for.

So its actually a social policy success ... now the 'community' will have no criminal records for their thieving behaviour, they will not be arrested, and even have a guaranteed income of $949 per week, for just as long as the stores are still open ... they can revert back to drug dealing, car jacking etc, when all the local chain stores etc are gone, while he and other BLM activist city councillors will then be able to  bemoan the lack of amenities for their 'community,' with all those stores leaving the area after so many of the 'community' chose to 'legally' loot them in to closure.

Chesa Boudin, was the non prosecuting white liberal San Francisco city District Attorney who presided over this crime wave from January 8, 2020 to July 8, 2022, when he was recalled (sacked) by the liberal Democrat voters, who were increasingly fearful of the outcome of unrestricted crime on them personally, as anarchy hits the streets. He had a record of incompetence and idealistic politics that was almost unparalleled in a major US city anywhere. He was accused in a number of instances for releasing suspects with a history of previous convictions, who then went on to commit further crimes.

Major trials collapsed after his DA's office failed to release prosecution evidence, such as DNA in the case of a defendant charged with felony gun possession and driving with a suspended or revoked license, whose prosecution had to be dismissed. While in January 2020, he eliminated cash bail, and replaced it with a "risk-based system", in which prosecutors evaluate whether or not a defendant poses a threat to public safety, as a condition for their pretrial release ... you can guess the result. 

Criticism over his views of drug dealing, came after it was found that his office only carried out only three drug convictions in 2021, including none, for fentanyl dealing. Mr Boudin defended his actions saying that many of the drug dealers in the Bay Area are from Honduras, and would face deportation if convicted of drug dealing ... so as a sanctuary city they were not to be prosecuted ... basically a free pass to illegal immigrant drug dealers.

Finally he was also criticized by  San Francisco County Superior Court Judge Bruce Chan for putting the politics of criminal justice reform above "the fundamentals of competent, professional prosecution." ... currently San Francisco has no permanent District Attorney, and won't have until after the November mid terms. Boudin is now serving as the founding executive director of the Criminal Law & Justice Center at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law ... and successfully campaigned to get his father, David Gilbert, and the last member of Weather Underground terrorist group in prison, released on parole.

This is not an isolated example of a Democrat city with a criminality crisis, caused largely by the 'community' shitting on their own back yards .... reportedly drug store theft in New York City has spiralled into a similar crisis. A USA newspaper reported that it visited a dozen Walgreens, CVS, Duane Reade, and Rite Aid locations in New York City, to find shelves largely empty of products, where staples like tampons, toothpaste, face wash and hand sanitizer should have been stocked. A CVS employee told them “They’ve all been stolen.”

New York City’s subway system (locally known as the murder express), had more homicides on the system in the past three years, than in the previous eleven years combined .. this following a twenty years with a much reduced homicide number, mainly due to the then Mayor, Rudy Giuliani’s criminal interdiction policies, and strong prosecution ethos for all crimes, to clean up New York.

When questioned about this crime wave, Police Commissioner Dermot Shea blamed the shoplifting surge on the state’s “disastrous bail reform law.” ... he also had resorted to Tweets, to express his shock at the predictable outcome of the Cities bail reform law .... Tweeting “Insanity” in response to a press report about a prolific Queens shoplifter who was arrested 46 times in 2021, only to be released to continue stealing under Albany’s (State capital of New York State) bail reform law .... in August, New York recorded 3,709 retail theft complaints, the most the boroughs have ever seen in a single month.

Frankly, this is just the chickens coming home to roost in those chicken sheds, where liberal policies that defy the reality of crimes, and who commits them are enacted, and ignore the disproportionate association of crime with that 'community,' whose activists never blame themselves for their boys involvement in crime .... it doesn't augur well for the Democrats standing in the mid terms in November, and noticeably their candidates are no longer loudly promoting ‘criminal justice reform’ and ‘defunding the police,’ as the real consequences of these policies, are now even upsetting their own white liberal voters, and actually devastating their core black community voters.

Just another case of reality overwhelming fantasies .... but then again you always reap what you sow.

Update Jan 2023:

Seattle has just lost its down-town Nike flagship store on Sixth Avenue and Pike Street, after 26 years on the site, and a multiplex movie theatre has also closed in the area, as crime runs rampant and the number of homeless people dying soars, with vagrant deaths up to a record 310 (a 65% spike), including 18 killings.

The closures have prompted fears that it might be the start of a new wave of exits from the city. Nike are opening an alternative store, on the other side of Lake Washington, in Bellevue Square, an hour away on public transit later in 2023.

Over the summer, Seattle firefighters were violently attacked on more than 40 occasions when putting out blazes started in homeless encampments. The woke led city was in the headlines when it allowed the lawless Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) zone to be created during the 2020 Black Live Matter riots .... former Mayor Jenny Durkan said at the time.

'The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone is not a lawless wasteland of anarchist insurrection - it is a peaceful expression of our community's collective grief and their desire to build a better world. Given his track record, it's not hard to believe that Trump is wrong, yet again.'

However the area, quickly descended into anarchy, with one teenage boy even murdered. She is now being sued by businesses and residents who suffered when the CHOP zone was created.


  1. Enough Is Enough28 October 2022 at 21:00

    The blindness to reality that drives all these PC/Woke/BLM nonsense is a massive danger to European founded cultures. They degrade our understanding of history, distort the present and are a real danger to women's rights as trans women (with penises still attached), are declaring themselves as 'women".

    This is accepted by idiots on the left, despite the fact that there have been an increasing number of rapes committed by these 'women' once they get admitted into what should be safe spaces for women such as hospital wards, changing rooms, toilets etc

    Why no one has the balls to challenge this madness and say 'if it's got a penis, it's a man' is beyond me.

    1. The fact that nonsense is left unchallenged is one of the political failures of our generation. Thanks for the comment.

  2. The street murder of 43 year old Bob Lee, the founder of multibillion-dollar tech company Cash App in San Francisco has prompted some strong reactions about crime in the city. Tesla boss and Twitter chief executive Elon Musk responded to tributes to Mr Lee, saying: "Violent crime in [San Francisco] is horrific and even if attackers are caught, they are often released immediately."

    Data from 2021 shows that residents there face a 1-in-16 chance each year of being a victim of property or violent crime, according to the Hoover Institution, a policy research think tank - making the city more dangerous than 98% of US cities.

    San Francisco Mayor London Breed said in a statement that "the homicide of Bob Lee is a horrible tragedy" and sought to assure residents the city was "prioritising public safety".

    1. Hmm .... you posted this comment twice, on two different posts. OK ....

      ... Apologies (again) for the late reply. I just googled the murder (having missed the story if it was in the Uk news media) ... apparently the accused is Iranian-American one man small time 'tech consultant' Nima Momeni, so not your usual street killing. He objected to Mr Lee's friendship with his married (Muslim) sister Khazar Momeni (m. Elyassnia), and so carried out a pre-meditated attack with a kitchen carving knife.

      The Mayoress and DA have both highlighted the fact that this was not a 'street robbery or killing' after initial criticism that the killing was a reflection of the crime in the city. Thanks again for the comment.


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