
Friday 7 July 2023

In To The Lions Den.

Talk about foolhardy .... Yevgeny Prigozhin allegedly stayed just 4 days in Belarus before returning to Russia ....

Yevgeny Prigozhin
Yevgeny Prigozhin ~ Whereabouts Unknown

Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko said on Thursday: "As for Prigozhin, he's in St Petersburg. He is not on the territory of Belarus."

Now I know that given Belarus's Russian client state status it is not much safer from the reach of President Putin's revenge than living in Russia itself, but it hardly seems a life lengthening move to go back to Russia so soon. He's been heavily criticised by Russian media, with reports that Prigozhin's character was that of a greedy and violent petty thief, and referring to his past as being "rich in criminality".

Which, assuming that Mr Prigozhin is not mad, raises the intriguing possibility that the Wagner revolt was not what it seems. So I've no doubt that the 'conspirasphere' is currently awash with 'false flag' theories after the news that he's gone back, but there may be a simple answer.

He may consider that Belarus was actually an easier place for Putin to have him killed  .... After all, Putin's agents have killed dissidents and personal enemies in both Europe and the UK so he could use the 'foreign country' location to distance himself from any assassination, and then blame it on 'foreign agents' or 'enemies' of the Wagner Group boss.

Whereas if Mr Prigozhin was to be killed in Russia, then President Putin couldn't well claim that 'foreign agents' had carried out the attack, without making himself and the security services look weak in defence of the Rodina (mother Russia), and on his claims that only  one man, himself of course, is able to defend Russia's position and prestige.

Putin also wouldn't want an arrest and public trial, for fear of what murky waters would be stirred up by Prigozhin .... so Mr Prigozhin may have decided that he's actually safer hugging his enemy close, rather than being in a plausible denial location should he for example, fall from a building (a fate that has befallen many prominent Russians in the last few years).

Update 24/08/20023:

Well today we found out that the decision appears to be a plane crash near Moscow in which all 10 died, amongst them one Yevgeny Prigozhin and his right-hand man Dmitry Utkin .... job done. Eight innocents killed as collateral damage to take out two regime opponents. End of problem.

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