
Friday 30 June 2023

Don't Do Drugs

Indiana University student Corey Hamersley was jailed for 28 years ....

Corey Hamersley

.... back in 2013 after having a meltdown while high on drugs .....

Corey Hamersley On His Gun Rampage

...... and then going on a rampage with a 9mm semi-automatic pistol.

Naked Arrest


The former athlete was found guilty of attempted murder, after unloading 32 bullets into a random house and car, then opening fire on police when they arrived. He said he was under the influence of LSD and didn't recall telling police investigators he thought it would “be cool to shoot a cop.” Nor did he recall shooting numerous bullets into the home of Margaret and David Greischar.

His 28 year sentence was for attempted murder, criminal recklessness, pointing a weapon at a police officer and resisting law enforcement. Hammersley apologised in court to the home owners whose house he had shot up, and add that "I give thanks to the police for not acting in haste to a threat to their community. I am thankful they spared my life that day.” ... in particular to the policewoman at whom he had aimed his shots “I apologise to Miss Runnebohm. I hope you are able to find it in your heart to forgive me. I am so thankful you were not hurt.”

Hamersley had become ensnared by the drugs scene at Indiana University and apparently couldn't cope. If he stays out of trouble whilst behind prison bars, Mr Hamersley will serve only half of the total sentence. He will be on probation for six years after his release ... so he should, all being well, be hitting the streets around 2027.

As for officer Dana Runnebohm, things didn't go to well either. By summer 2014 she had gone sick with post-traumatic stress disorder ("PTSD"). By 2015 she had been forced by the City of Bloomington Police Pension Board to take medical retirement for, inter alia, that PTSD, from which she had not returned to work after going sick in July 2014, and in October 2014 admitting that the very act of walking into the police station "made her sick."... She also admitted that despite attending a 16 week medical program, she could give no assurances of ever being able to return to service.

She tried to get this police pension board decision overturned in a court case, and then a second court 2016 case, but failed on both occasions .... I guess you can only face naked gunmen so many times before it gets to you.

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