
Friday 23 June 2023

Told You So!

Amou Haji, was a 94 year old Iranian hermit who had been dubbed by media as "the world's dirtiest man,"  

Worlds Dirtiest Man?

..... after he had refused to use soap and water (or even just water), for more than half a century, fearing it would make him sick.

Mr Haji had lived between a hole in the ground and a brick shack built by concerned neighbours in the village of Dejgah, and lived by scavenging, charity and hunting, with his favourite meal described as being porcupine, but in the main his diet had mainly consisted of rotten meat, and unsanitary water drunk from an old oil can. His skin was a mass of pus and sores as a result of his dirty health regime, so its hard to define what he classed as 'sick'.

But in one of those ironies that seem to clutter our lives, he had finally succumbed to pressure from the local villagers to get clean, and actually washed a few months ago. He then became ill shortly afterwards, and died on Sunday the 23rd of October 2022.

His rival for the record of going longest voluntarily without bathing, an Indian man who way back in 2009 had reportedly not washed or brushed his teeth for 35 years, has not been reported on for some time .... he may well also be dead.

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