
Friday 9 June 2023

"Is Nothing Sacred Any Longer?"

 Another mass school shooting in the USA .....

Huguenot High School Graduation Leaves Students In ears
Huguenot High School Graduation Tears

..... this time at a school graduation ceremony, caused local Mayor Levar Stoney to ask "Is nothing sacred any longer?"

The shooting at the Huguenot High School graduation in the town of Richmond, Virginia, left two people dead and five others injured (who sustained non-life-threatening injuries) .... the two who died are believed to be a father and son. The young man was part of the graduation ceremony.

The mayor added "This should not be happening anywhere, whether it's in Richmond, whether it’s in Virginia, whether it's in the United States, this should not be happening anywhere. A child should be able to go to their graduation and walk at their graduation and enjoy the accomplishment.”

The 19 year old suspect was arrested at the shooting scene, which was outside the Virginia Commonwealth University campus Atria Theatre in Monroe Park, after the graduation ceremony had ended at the theatre .... what should have been one of a US teens landmark days, has been turned in to a day of horror ... with another planned graduation scheduled for next Tuesday, by Thomas Jefferson High School, now being postponed.

Richmond Schools Superintendent Jason Kamras said: "This is supposed to be a joyous day when our kids walk the stage and get their diplomas. Which is what they all did here for Huguenot today, and walked out the doors into their families' and friends' arms taking pictures and then this tragedy occurred. I don't have any more words on this. I'm tired of seeing people get shot. Our kids get shot. And I beg of the entire community to stop, to just stop. Our kids can't take it. Our teachers can't take it. Our families can't take it anymore. I beg of you to stop."

The killer is believed to have known at least one of the victims ... which shows his mindset, to apparently plan to kill them in plain sight of so many other people. Local prosecutors plan to immediately seek two charges of second-degree murder, with more charges to follow .... the shooter will never leave prison. 

These mass shootings are now simply becoming part of the background fabric of US life .... 

Bulletproof Backpacks A Must Have For US Children
Bulletproof Backpacks. A Must Have For US Children?


with bulletproof backpacks now a popular school and student accessory.

The student demographic nature of Huguenot High School: 61% of Huguenot High School students are Black, 30% of students are Hispanic, 7% of students are White, 1% of students are Asian, and 1% of students are Two or more races.


  1. Apparently, nothing is sacred anymore, if the mass shooting in Denver is any indication.

    1. Yes, yesterdays mass shooting doesn't stop the next one ... thanks for the comment.


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