
Friday 17 November 2023

Animal Popsicles

 Michael Patrick Turland of Arizona ...... 

Michael Patrick Turland
Arizona Animal?

 ..... .admitted freezing some animals while they were still alive, after 183 animals, including dogs, cats and birds were found in his freezer.

He and his wife Brooklyn Beck were renting a house in  Golden Valley, Arizona which they had apparently abandoned  ....  the home-owner had contacted a woman who had enquired as to the  whereabouts of some snakes that Turland had 'borrowed' to breed .... but not returned i.e Stolen. 

They had been clearing the property out, when they found the dead animals .... the snake owner had made a complaint of theft to the police, and so they were called to the scene .... Deputies said they found the animals, including dogs, turtles, lizards, birds, snakes, mice, rats, and rabbits, stashed inside a “large-sized chest freezer.”

“Several of the animals appeared to have been frozen alive due to their body positioning,” the sheriff’s office said. “When interviewed, Turland eventually admitted to placing some of the animals in the freezer when they were still alive,” the sheriff’s office said.

Turland returned to the property a couple of days later, and was arrested. His motives for these acts are unknown, but he has been charged with 94 counts of animal cruelty. Police said deputies were looking to contact Turland's wife Brooklyn Beck for questioning as they continue their investigation. Records show that Turland was previously arrested for assault and obstruction of justice, while Beck was arrested previously for trespassing and failure to stop.

Sadly, the exact fate of the borrowed snakes was not explicitly mentioned in reports, but the mention of snakes in the freezer, suggests that they went the way of the other animals (possibly some of which were also someone's missing pets).

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