
Friday 10 November 2023

Comatose Cop

An off duty Kenyan policeman, Constable Reuben Kimutai Lel, was involved in a car accident that that left him comatose ...

Comatose Kenyan Policeman
Comatose Kenyan Policeman


...  he was in that state for nine months until September 2021.

The hospital had not known who their patient was as his personal identity documents, wallet etc had not been with him when he was admitted (probably stolen at the accident scene).

His family and friends had tried to find him, but through bad luck had not been able to do so, and had given him up for dead (as his phone was off and remained off) .... They were even sent to pick up a body, which thankfully fingerprints showed wasn't his.

While the police (who you would think might have been able to trace him as the comatose man in the countries biggest hospital in the capital, Nairobi), merely decided that he was absent without explanation as a 'deserter', and after a period of time, declared that he was sacked.

Constable Reuben Kimutai Lel
Constable Reuben Kimutai Lel

After nine months, he awoke to find that he was both 'dead' and 'a sacked deserter,' with a warrant out for his arrest .... He told the medics who he was, although his memory was still limited, and he was eventually released from hospital, to recuperate under the care of his wife and family in Koibatek, Baringo county, as his memory still hadn't fully returned.

The police, sheepishly agreed to reinstate him, but his family indicated that he may medically retire if his memory doesn't return ..... Just remind me not to get ill or have a car accident in Kenya that leaves me comatose.

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