
Friday 10 November 2023

Revenge, Retaliation And Destruction

The terror attack by Hamas on Isreal was, for a few brief hours celebrated by some Islamists and Palestinian supporting mobs worldwide ....

Some Celebrated The Hamas Attack October 2023
Some Celebrated The Hamas Attack October 2023

... while the civilised world was just shocked at the barbarity of the terrorists actions. Hamas, despite all the evidence, has since denied the atrocities that the world saw being committed (no links here, the scenes are too horrific) ... they apparently think we are all as stupid as their followers.

However the celebrations were soon cut short, as Isreal (as all countries would) retaliated .... they met terror with overwhelming firepower, and now, a few weeks later, we can see what Hamas's actions have really wrought for the people of Gaza (who lets not forget, voted for Hamas to take over Gaza from Fatah in the Palestinian Legislative elections in 2006). Hamas then took arbitrary control of the strip, after they seized total military power in the so called Battle of Gaza in 2007 ... there have been no elections held since. 

Now you might say that the Gazans didn't realise what they were voting for (same excuse was trotted out for those Germans who had voted for the Nazi's in 1933, cementing Hitler in power), but you only had to look at either Hamas or the Nazi's, to see who and what they were. They both used armed force on the streets, to ensure election victory at the polls, and both have strong anti-Jewish ideologies .... it doesn't take much intelligence to see where voting for either of them would eventually lead. 

In the case of the Nazi's, it was three sham elections, where they were the 'sole legal party,' and ultimately the total destruction of Germany, while Hamas didn't even bother wasting time on even the fig leaf of sham elections, but have still led Gazan's to the same fate ... utter destruction .. Götterdämmerung.

Götterdämmerung - Berlin 1945
Götterdämmerung - Berlin 1945

Now in Germany, the Allies stood back and let this Nazi rise happen, after all Germany was not occupied at the end of WWI (and indeed a civil war broke out inside Germany), and eventually the Weimar Republic was formed, but its collapse under the pressure of war reparations (it actually paid little of these, but their existence fatally damaged Germany's economy, by discouraging market loans, which forced the Weimar government to finance its deficit by printing more currency, causing rampant hyperinflation), and the Great Depression, ushered in the Nazi's.  

However in Gaza, the situation is different. Isreal militarily occupied Gaza for 38 years (including 21 - 25 Jewish settlements totalling over 9,000 settlers), but it was determined by the Israeli government that because of various geo-political and demographic issues, it was unwise to include Gaza within the political borders of Israel, and so in 2005, all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip were unilaterally dismantled, and the Israeli settlers and the army evacuated from inside the Gaza Strip. 

It was this sudden military absence in Gaza by Isreal, that led to Hamas being able to form (with Iranian funds), and then seize political and then military power in Gaza ... but now Israel is fully engaged with Gaza militarily, and has vowed to 'dismantle' (destroy) Hamas (and by default Iranian influence) in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

"Israel will, for an indefinite period, will have the overall security responsibility. When we don't have that security responsibility, what we have is the eruption of Hamas terror on a scale that we couldn't imagine. There will be no ceasefire - general ceasefire - in Gaza, without the release of our hostages. As far as tactical, little pauses - an hour here, an hour there - we've had them before. I suppose we'll check the circumstances in order to enable goods --humanitarian goods - to come in or our hostages, individual hostages, to leave."

Hamas have effectively brought on their own destruction in Gaza .... oh they may survive as a tiny underground force, but they will constantly risk death or arrest .. they will lose all political control (if not all influence) in the Gaza strip (or whats left of it)

Finally Isreal may also simply cut all other than military ties to Gaza, so no jobs for Gazan workers inside Isreal, no border crossings into Gaza from Isreal without hours of security checks or maybe none at all, (leaving only Egypt's crossing), and finally, maybe no power, water or Internet, at least not without full payment, up front, in advance (money Gaza doesn't have)

Götterdämmerung - Gaza Destruction 2023
Götterdämmerung - Gaza Destruction 2023

So after the “Al-Aqsa Deluge,” (as Hamas named its terrorist attack), comes a Götterdämmerung for Gaza and Hamas .... you reap what you sow ... Hamas (like Hitler) didn't care what came next, and so destruction came.


  1. The calls for a ceasefire are from people who are not directly bordered by jihadist regimes.

    If Hamas or ISIS or the Taliban etc were on France or the UKs borders I doubt they would call for a ceasefire.

    The full horror of the rapes, mutilation that Hamas carried out have not been shown on Western TVs. If they had ... there would be no calls for a ceasefire.

    1. Sorry for the late reply .... time of year brings other responsibilities. I suspect your totally right. If for example the Hamas attack had been on Russia .... the Gaza strip would have been wiped off the face of the earth. But Western Europe has so many groups who support those who hate us, that we might never have retaliated at all ..... we live in strange times with even stranger values.


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