
Friday 13 October 2023

Terror In Israel

The images being shown from Israel this week, after the ISIS style mass terrorist attack from the Gaza strip by the animals of Hamas have been frankly very disturbing.

Hostages Face Terror In Gaza
Hostages Face Terror In Gaza

 .... the terror on a young woman, Noa Argamani's face, as she is hauled away to be kept possibly for years as a hostage, and probably being abused, is not something I'll easily forget. I certainly couldn't face looking at the pictures or video's that Hamas put out while committing these barbarous acts.

But it was probably a scene of terror repeated across the border area, with reports of rapes, beheadings, and babies killed (up to 40 babies reported killed by their throats being cut in one kibbutz alone) .......

UK Newspaper Reports On Hamas Murdering Babies
What Sort Of Animals Would Do This?

.... in an obviously deliberate move to take hostages, and belying once again Hamas's claim to be 'soldiers,' rather than what they really are, which is a terrorist cell that's been handed control of a territory (again, much like ISIS and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon), in this case Gaza. Real soldiers don't deliberately murder children, old people, and women ... they don't seize them as 'hostages', but terrorists do.

I have posted before about the fallacy, put out by supporters of the Hamas rule in Gaza, that just voting for them makes them legitimate, or acceptable ... it doesn't. They are no more acceptable or legitimate than Hitler and the Nazi's were in Germany. Voting to have a terrorist organisation as your government, just makes you terrorist supporters

We tried to limit civilian casualties when we fought Germany in WWII, but didn't hold back in hitting anywhere there was military resistance, as after all, the Germans had voted for the Nazi's, and so had some collective responsibility for their rulers actions. Similarly, why are some apologists for terrorism already bleating for the people in Gaza, but those same people in Gaza celebrated the attack on Israel, and now they must take the consequences of Hamas actions, including the firing of missiles from UN hospital car parks and schools.

As you might expect, some in our Muslim minority, have shown support for the atrocities, including an NHS employed, Egyptian born doctor, Mennah Elwan (The Walton Centre in Liverpool) who openly mocked the unarmed music festival goers, who were fleeing heavily armed Hamas terrorists, who were either gunning them down, or taking hostages of the young women and men. 

DR Mennah Elwan's Mocking X tweets.
DR Mennah Elwan's Mocking X tweets.

In a series of X (twitter) posts she made it clear that she supported the mass murders.... 'there are no civilians in Israel', and with a picture of festival goes running, she mocked 'If it was ur home, you would stay and fight. U wouldn't just run away. 😄'  ....  there were 260 of the young men and women attending the music festival, with no means to defend themselves, who were murdered by the Hamas gunmen inside an hour or so. But not content with that she added other comments.

DR Mennah Elwan X tweets.
DR Mennah Elwan X tweets.

'Israel was never a country. They illegally occupied Palestine.' 'Israel kills Palestinians every day, didn't see anyone caring'  .... Ending with a post to British PM Rishi Sunak .... 'Just take all the Israelis to the UK away from terrorist Palestine 🙍🙍 a win for everyone, no?' .... this woman earns a large amount of money in the UK. Perhaps she should be invited to leave for some other country (such a Egypt for example), to ply her trade as a neurology registrar.

If not (cos we are so weak these days), then she might reflect that she's only able to live here as a Muslim woman, because we don't act like her terrorist 'heroes', or that the Muslims stole those lands from Christians when they invaded in 634–638 AD, or maybe on the fact that the Arabs lost those lands when several Arab armies ran away from one small Israeli army in 1948, and again in 1967 .... all those Arab men running away, so by her logic, it couldn't have been their home then?

While others demonstrated in numerous UK cities, as pro-Palestine supporters acted once again as apologists for Hamas ... some even did so outside the Labour Party conference .... while Ex-Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has previously described Hamas representatives as his “friends,” refused to directly condemn the large scale terror attack (likened by some Israeli's as being their 9/11 moment).  

Corbyn Has Form Supporting Hamas In Gaza
Mr Corbyn Has Form Supporting Hamas In Gaza

What he said was the usual mealy mouthed words of the complete assh*le that he really is, saying that the events are “deeply alarming,” and then calling for “an immediate ceasefire and de-escalation.” (while leaving Hamas with between 140 and 150 hostages). He then spoke at a fringe Labour party meeting adding that, " .... the current terrible situation in Israel and Palestine. The way to end that, I think, is to end the occupation in Palestine, by Israel.”

All the while forgetting what the avowed aim of Hamas is .... "Israel should be wiped from the face of the Earth. It is an animal state that recognises no human worth. It is a cancer that should be eradicated," said Ghazi Hamad, a spokesman for the Hamas-led government. This was in 2006, following another Israeli retaliation, to a Hamas rocket attack which had resulted in a large number of civilian casualties. 

I think that for an organisation that sanctions the murders of children, and the killing of babies in their cots, to call any other country "an animal state that recognises no human worth," shows what monsters they really are. 

We should treat Hamas (and Hezbollah for that matter) the same way ISIS was .... they are a stain on mankind, as are all those who celebrate their actions. I fear for all the hostages taken by them in this terror attack, as I can't see many ever being freed alive in the near future, but I really hope that I'm wrong in this.


  1. The BBC's refusal to call Hamas 'terrorists' despite the horrors of their actions last week has been challenged by Jewish protesters in London, with hundreds calling on the BBC to refer to Hamas as 'terrorists'.

    Of course the woke BBC have some pathetic excuse for having no sense of the relative morality in offering a fig leaf of respectability to a proscribed terrorist organisation

    Stating that it was a long-standing position for BBC reporters not to use the term themselves unless attributing it to someone else ... even when the civilised world have banned them aa a terrorist group.

    They said that the BBC’s editorial guidelines say the word "terrorist" can be "a barrier rather than an aid to understanding"

    .. so did they describe the Nazi's as a national socialist government in WWII?

    1. Good point ... I suspect that they called them 'The Hun', or the 'Jerry or Fritz' or even 'Boche or Krauts' in radio shows of the time. I doubt very much if they called them the 'National Socialist Government of Germany'. Certainly the main press will have called them names. Thanks for the comment and update.


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