
Saturday 10 January 2009

Double Standards in Middle East

I came across the video "Hamas in their own voices", via a link to another blog on the Burnt Toast website .... This American voiced video on You Tube shows various HAMAS supporters and MP's on their local or Arabic TV.

All the broadcasts were from before the current Gaza crisis, and its a real pity that our politicians and liberal broadcasters aren't forced to watch this, then ask the Muslims marching down our Streets, why they march to support this regime, and why they don't march to protest Hamas rockets?

As I have remarked before, the double standards of the Arab world and their Western apologists are breathtaking.

They feel that they can

  • Launch missiles at civilian targets from their 'sovereign territories' (No UN comment or anything less than full support from the Muslim world, even though its a 'war crime'), and then expect no one to fight back.
  • Use human shields while attacking Israel, then complain about civilian casualties when fire is returned.
  • Preach for the 'death of all *Jews', but complain about a cartoon "offending" Islam.
  • Call for the Conquest of Rome (like Constantinople) whilst banning non Muslims from Mecca or Medina.
  • Call for the the conquest and forced conversion of Western Europe, but complain about any restriction in Muslim emigration to these same "crusader" lands.
  • Threaten both Americas and Eastern Europe, with the same fate that they plan for Western Europe, but complain about "Crusaders" being in Muslim lands.
  • Request the right to use a Spanish Cathedral to pray whilst refusing Catholics use of a church in "European" Turkey - Similarly Turkey denies the Sophia Hague to the Greeks.
  • Demand respect for their cult, but refuse to give the same to anyone else.
  • And kill more fellow Muslims each day than any 'crusaders' would ever dare (or want), but cry crocodile tears if a non Muslim even looks harshly at them.

Ironically if they followed the tenets of the 'peaceful and tolerant religion' they claim to be, they would have their own state, would not have barriers raised against them around the world, and not be feared or despised.

The fact that they deliberately use schools such as the UN school hit by Israel last week to launch rockets and store weapons, is graphically shown on this Israeli Defence Force video, again from You Tube.

Its hard to see how this video, recorded from outside the very UN school that made the news, can be denied, so no doubt it will just be ignored by the UK and EU governments calling for an end to "Israeli aggression".

*"Israel should be wiped from the face of the Earth. It is an animal state that recognises no human worth. It is a cancer that should be eradicated," said Ghazi Hamad, a spokesman for the Hamas-led government. This was in 2006, following another Israeli retaliation to a Hamas rocket attack which resulted in a large number of civilian casualties.

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