
Tuesday 6 January 2009

Something Righteous And Hopeful For A Change?

In keeping with my righteous and hopeful New Year blogging stories, this story made me smile.

Two (very) young German children plus their 'mature witness' attempted to elope to South Africa "where it is warm" to get married because they were "very much in love".

Anna-Lena aged 5, and Mika aged 6 packed bathing costumes, sunglasses and a lilo, and with Anna-Lena's older sister Anna-Bell aged 7 in tow as the 'official witness', headed for Hamburg airport.

The tiny trio walked 1km (approx half a mile) to the local tram station at Langenhagen, where they hopped on a tram for Hanover central station, but alas the path of true love never runs smoothly, and as they waited for a train to the airport, the police were called in by an alert railway guard (who should be commended).

Police Officers persuaded the children that they would need some tickets and money to get any further, but offered them the alternative of a free tour of the police station instead, until they were later picked up by their parents.

Although their immediate marriage plans have been put on ice for now (well at least until they have saved up their euros for the tickets), the police did not altogether rule out the possibility of an African wedding. "They can still put their plan into action at a much later date," AFP quoted the spokesman as saying.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, little do they know that they were on track for the worlds youngest divorce (outside of child brides of Yemen)


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