
Saturday 24 January 2009

A Rose By Any Other Name?

The Bard said that "A Rose By Any Other Name. would smell as sweet" .....

Spam By Any Other Name Would Still Be Spam
Spam By Any Other Name Would Still Be Spam

Well some people in the US are so worried by the rise of 'Spanish' as an alternative 'official' language to English in the US (actually the US has no 'official language' at the federal level, and according to urban myth it was nearly German just after independence), that, led by the ProEnglish group, they have been taking measures to counter that threat, and make English the unofficial 'official language' of cities, and states.

However this campaign took a bit of a set back when Nashville voted 41,752 votes to 32,144 against the "English First" amendment, but as it stands, thirty states, including Tennessee, and at least a dozen cities have declared English their 'official' language, according to ProEnglish.

Actually, despite the forecasts that White Americans will no longer constitute an overall majority in the US by the year 2042, probably no other group will ever constitute an absolute majority either. History shows that no language is permanent .... Latin never survived as a living native language, even after 600 years of the Roman Empire. 

But usually its very hard to supplant an established language, even with a complete cultural displacement, and can take centuries. Norse French (as brought by the Normans) eventually died out in England after just 400 years, and in native Indian areas of Mexico and South America, Spanish is not the main language even after 500 years of suppression of native culture. 

The 'Hispanics' will amount to about 30% of the US population by 2050, and although in the black economy you might be able to survive with out speaking *English, its hard to imagine English disappearing for several centuries.

*Inside some communities its possible to exist without speaking to any non member of the community. Some Yiddish or Hebrew speakers in the early 19th century in New York will have never had to learn English. Many Pakistani immigrants in the UK and Europe speak no local language. Its a dangerous trend, encouraged by "Multiculturalist's", and stops assimilation. The term 'Little Italy' etc was an outward manifestation of this phenomena.

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