
Friday 24 November 2023

Not Joking

 A 24-year-old man was arrested by police after attacking 17 passengers with a knife on a Tokyo train line on Halloween evening 2021.

Japanese Joker
Japanese Joker

He then sprayed a clear liquid around the railway carriage and set it alight.

Video footage put on-line showed passengers running through carriages away from the knife man and the flames while others clambered through windows. "I thought it was a Halloween stunt," one witness told the Yomiuri newspaper about the attack. "Then, I saw a man walking this way, slowly waving a long knife." 

Three of the injured reportedly had serious wounds and Local media reported that an elderly man was unconscious after being stabbed during the attack. When the man was arrested he was wearing a green shirt and purple suit and sitting and smoking a cigarette while members of the public filmed him through the carriage windows. 

He later told police he adored the character Joker in the Batman comics and that he dressed like the Joker because he "looked up to him". He said he had "wanted to kill someone since June" because he had quit his job, and seen many of his friendships fall apart, and that he wanted to kill people so he could be sentenced to death.

The UK's 'Joker' Damien Hammond has also proved to be a dangerous anti-social as well.

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