
Friday 30 August 2024

Wow - That Was Totally Unexpected .... NOT

Last year we posted on the invasion of women's spaces and particularly sports by men who were undergoing sex changes ..... 

Transwoman Wins Womens Swimming Race
The Picture That Told
The Story Of The Race ....

.... and the threat this woke movement and its 'straight' backers. were creating to women's rights, safe spaces, and progress.

Aliens Ray Gun

I genuinely thought that I had come across every version of the Roswell crash incident ....

Roswell Daily Record
Roswell Daily Record

 .... Oh come on, surely you know what that is. Well OK, that's the name of the granddaddy of all alien stories, where UFO enthusiasts are convinced that the US government and military covered up the fact that an alien space craft had crashed near Roswell in New Mexico in 1947.

Naughty Priests

As of 2014, the Catholic church had defrocked 848 priests over the previous decade, and doled out lesser punishments to another 2,572 .....

Priests And Money Can Be Bad Mix
Priests And Money Can Be Bad Mix

These priests had nearly all been accused of committing the most serious of charges, namely of raping and molesting children or other concerning behaviours, but there were also some others defrocked for crimes. 

Friday 23 August 2024

The 'Gresham Lumberjack'

The suburb of Gresham in Portland Oregon has been plagued by some sort of anti-eco lumberjack ... 

Gresham Tree Attacks
Gresham Tree Attacks

.... who has been cutting down trees - around 700 trees in the area and counting for no apparent reason.

Leave Them In The Sea

Three drug smugglers had to be rescued ...

Columbian Cocaine Smugglers
Columbian Cocaine Smugglers .....

... after the trio's boat had sunk in the high seas, forcing them to use their cocaine packs as floaties.

Under Every Stone

 Even though I am by inclination a centre right leaning kinda political animal .....

Under Every Stone
Under Every Stone .....

 .... I am finding it impossible to understand what any Americans see in Donald Trump.

Friday 16 August 2024

Ah ... The Sniff Of Florida

Florida is the state that just keeps giving .....

Tony Jay Saunders Junior
The Man, The Bus And The Deer

... even when its residents are not actually in the state.

And The Winner By Knock-out

Coopers Hill in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, is the scene of a quintessentially British sport ....

Coopers Hill in Brockworth, Gloucestershire
Race Location

.... where every year (Covid restrictions not withstanding) hundreds of contestants chase a 7lb (3kg) Double Gloucester cheese down the nearly vertical hill.

Whale Meet Again

Now the inhabitants of New York are used to seeing (and smelling) some strange things in a city that never sleeps, and that has a lot of street life and crime .... and garbage strikes ....

New York Garbage Strikes Are Common
New York Garbage Strikes Are Common

.... after all, the The Five Families didn't always clean up after a hit.

Friday 9 August 2024

Tree Nesting Cats

We have discussed cats up trees, once or twice before on this blog ....

Dead Cats Up Trees Are Rare
Dead Cats Up Trees Are Rare

.... to whit, whether cats were or are really stuck up trees or not, and if they are, why don't we see dead cats in trees? ... the jury is out on that question, although as the fire department points out, it does seem strange that they can get up, but not come down.

Kissing Banned

 Apparently 10 per cent of cabbies in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe ......

Kissing Banned In Some Taxi Cabs
Kissing Banned In Some Taxi Cabs

...... have banned kissing in their taxis.

Methylated Monks

In a tale that shows just how pernicious the drug trade has become ....

The Drugs Seized From Monk Arsara In Northern Rakhine State, Myanmar In 2017
The Drugs Seized From Monk Arsara,
In Northern Rakhine State, Myanmar In 2017

.... its been reported that even Buddhist monks are not immune from the influences of the drug trade.

Friday 2 August 2024

Bobi Has Gone

 "Despite outliving every dog in history, his 11,478 days on earth would never be enough, for those who loved him ...." 

Bobi A Purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo
'Bobi' The Longest Lived Dog.

These were the words from veterinarian Dr Karen Becker, that let the world know that 'Bobi', the worlds oldest ever recorded dog had passed away on the 21st of October 2023.

Shallow Love

 In China, traditionally children have cared for their elderly parents ...

Elderly Care China - Traditionally Kept In The Family
Elderly Care China

But with an ageing population and fewer young people to care for their parents, with a phenomenon known as “4-2-1” .... where a family may consist of four grandparents, two parents, and a single child there is a growing strain in some families ....

Religious Driven Wars

When we think of religious extremism these days .... 

ISIS Flag Burning
ISIS Flag Burning

 ... most of us think of Islam, with ISIS and the Taliban fresh in our minds. 


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