
Friday 2 August 2024

Shallow Love

 In China, traditionally children have cared for their elderly parents ...

Elderly Care China - Traditionally Kept In The Family
Elderly Care China

But with an ageing population and fewer young people to care for their parents, with a phenomenon known as “4-2-1” .... where a family may consist of four grandparents, two parents, and a single child there is a growing strain in some families ....

By 2050, 26 percent of China’s population is expected to be 65 or older, and about 8 percent will be 80 or older. This may be the reason why some children are rebelling and placing their elderly parents or grandparents into care homes, something that might have been unknown and shameful just 30 years ago, but increasingly is seen as acceptable. 

But there are some people who always go a bit further than every one else.Take 58 year old Mr Ma Leuuan, from Shaanxi province, who in 2020, had been caring for Ms Wang, his 79 year old paralysed mother as part of his family for many years .... but there was a problem ... he had grown tired of caring for her. So instead of the expense of a nursing home, which he didn't feel that he could afford, he simply took his mother out to a burial pit, and buried her alive in a shallow grave.

Mr Ma's wife, alerted the police to her disappearance. Ms Zhang told the police officers that her mother-in-law had not returned home, after Mr Ma put his mother on a pushcart and wheeled her out of their family home around 8pm  on the 2nd of May. When his wife, asked Mr Ma about his mothers whereabouts, Mr Ma lied and said that he had hired a van driver and sent his mother to visit relatives ... but after she failed to locate her mother-in-law, she went to the police.

The police immediately pulled Mr Ma in for interrogation, during which he confessed that he had attempted to bury his mother alive in an abandoned tomb (burial pit). However the woman, still had enough strength to call out for help, and her faint cries enabled them to find and save her. Somewhat surprisingly the paralysed old woman had survived after nearly three days without food or water. The woman was described as being in stable condition and receiving treatment at a local hospital,

The errant son was charged with attempted murder.

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