
Friday, 30 August 2024

Wow - That Was Totally Unexpected .... NOT

Last year we posted on the invasion of women's spaces and particularly sports by men who were undergoing sex changes ..... 

Transwoman Wins Womens Swimming Race
The Picture That Told
The Story Of The Race ....

.... and the threat this woke movement and its 'straight' backers. were creating to women's rights, safe spaces, and progress.

In the area of spaces, the Scottish National Party (and to some extent the Labour Party) in the UK tied themselves up in knots while trying to claim in Scotland that a serial rapist who put a wig on and claimed that he now identified as 'female', was therefore to be sent to a woman's prison to serve his sentence for two rapes. Obviously the rapist didn't end up in a women's prison, but it cost then SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon dearly in lost credibility, before she later resigned.

While in England, the then Labour leader of the opposition (but now our policy pledge backtracking Prime Minister) Keir Starmer struggled to answer the question posed by Kay Burley for s Sky News "Can a woman have a penis?"  ... and then his assertion in a Sunday Times interview that “99.9% of women” do not have penis. What The F*ck!?

Can A Woman Have A Penis
Can A Woman Have A Penis?

However his colleague Angela Rayner (yes, her of the ginger growler), was less reticent, firstly by stating in February 2023 that it "doesn't matter" whether a transgender rapist like Isla Bryson has a penis adding that she (Bryson) was "identifying as a woman now", and "right at the beginning of a transition" .... short hand for yes they still have a penis, which would certainly be an issue in a women's prison.

But, no Ms Rayner, said having a penis was irrelevant to her crime as a rapist as 'she' had done "damage and harm to [other] women" so it "doesn’t matter whether it was a penis or some implementation". Undeterred by what fools, these nonsense and dangerous views make her and Starmer look, in March 2023, she told Sky News it is 'unacceptable' to ask a trans-woman if they have a penis but you can ask trans-men if they're pregnant. But it wouldn't be 'reasonable' to ask trans-woman if she still had a penis.

Well the world has turned since June 2022, when, Fina, the world swimming governing body, voted to stop transgender athletes from competing in any women's elite race, if they have gone through any part of the process of male puberty eg. around age 12. The transgendered swimmers now have to have completed their 'transition' by the age of 12, in order to be able to compete in women's competitions. 

But after this bit of common-sense, they then felt that they had to give a sop to the 'trans inclusiveness culture', that is largely being driven by men who have transitioned or partially transitioned to becoming 'women', when they said that this was "only a first step towards full inclusion" for transgender athletes, and that they aim to have an 'open' category at competitions, for swimmers whose gender identity is different than their birth sex.

Well, at the Swimming World Cup event in Berlin, World Aquatics 2023, the 'Open' category was to feature 50m and 100m races across all strokes for the first time .... a case of different strokes for different folks? However, not one entrant applied .... not one. Where are all those trans-women who we were told were clamouring to compete and who were going to be denied their self perceived 'rights' to compete against biological women? Now that they couldn't hide behind biological women swimmers, and break women's records, they have apparently simply disappeared ....

 I mockingly suggested that at the next Olympics they would get just one 'open' category entrant ....

Olympic Swimming Open Event Final?
Olympic Swimming 'Open' Event Final?

But now I have to adjust the Berlin event image to this ......

FINA Swimming Open Event Berlin 2023
FINA Swimming 'Open' Event Berlin 2023

...... undeterred by this exposure of the non-woke realities of the world, FINA is planning to look at the possibility of including open category races at Masters events in the future.

While we are on this subject, more sports have taken stands to protect women's sports. The World cycling governing body the UCI ruled in July 2023 that transgender women would be prevented from competing in women's events. Similarly in March 2023 World Athletics also decided to ban transgender women from competing in the female category at international events. No transgender athlete who had gone through male puberty would be permitted to compete in female world ranking competitions.

Finally, the UK government (except Scotland, which appears to still be an outlier on this subject, and is still pursuing the policy that a wig is enough to make you a woman), has announced that hospitals will not be allowed to place self declared trans-women in female single sex wards in England and Wales.The Tories said that they "know what a woman is!"

Mini Update Before publication: During the Olympics in France 2024, the International Olympic Committee banned the International Boxing Association from running Olympic Boxing (because of fears over its governance and regulation), and consequently didn't enforce the prior IBA ban on two women boxers Algeria's Imane Khelif and Taiwanese fighter Lin Yu-ting, who had both had questionable sex identity tests and so had been stopped from fighting internationally.  The official explanation was that "chromosome tests demonstrated both boxers were ineligible ... very high levels of testosterone." 

Predictably Lin Yu-ting won the Gold medal in the 57kg division, and Imane Khelifwon gold in the 67kg division .... Quelle Surprise!



  1. The tide of common sense is apparently washing back. According to recently released polling from YouGov, by a margin of thirty nine points – 58 percent to 19 percent – Americans support requiring transgender athletes to play on sports teams that match their sex assigned at birth, rather than competing against students of the opposite sex.

    1. That's the way the pendulum seems to be swinging - women's sports integrity needs to be protected ... I remember the late 70's and 80's when some East European women's athletes were more manly than the men!! Thanks for the update.


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