
Friday 24 February 2023

Woke Worries

The continuing woke war of western cultural eradication stepped up a level, when some politicians were no longer able to describe what determines if you are a male or female ..... 

Adam Graham Now Isla Bryson - But Always A Danger To Women
Adam Graham Now Isla Bryson -
But Always A Danger To Women

Hint: Its the reproductive organs of the penis or uterus that you are born with ..... we have known this basic biology for the last 150,000 years ... but apparently some woke activists want to change this fact of nature.

The discussion came up, when the then Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP party tried to implement a looser definition of a persons sex, via the passing of the Gender Recognition Bill. This bill essentially said that that a man can become a woman just because he says so, despite not being surgically reassigned in to a woman or even being diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Of course some organisations and people such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission, and Reem Alsalem, the UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, had tried to point out that this was a dangerous fiction, that placed female safe spaces at great risk ... reversing decades of legislation that had enshrined these new equalities and protections. But she passed the law anyway .... stating that people who disagreed with her were “deeply misogynist, often homophobic, possibly some of them racist as well.” while offering no evidence, and no examples of why or how their opposition was 'misogynist, homophobic' or even more absurdly 'racist'.

Ash Regan resigned as Nicola Sturgeon’s Community Safety Minister after saying her "conscience" could not allow her to vote for the proposals. In January 2023, the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finally stepped in and blocked the legislation under Section 35 of the Scotland Act, on the grounds that this legislation would have an adverse impact on the operation of Great Britain-wide equalities legislation.

Of course little Nicky was full of bluster saying that she would 'defend the legislation and stand up for Scotland's parliament', and threatening to take the matter to the constitutional court, but then fate took a hand, when a serial Scottish rapist attempted to claim during his trial that he was now 'transitioning' (despite the fact that he hadn't had any medical treatment, and his wife and mother said he was lying), and demanded to be sent to a women's prison. He was was initially remanded to Cornton Vale women's prison in Stirling, Scotland ... but a storm of outrage forced Ms Sturgeon to overrule her Scottish prison service and have him placed in a male prison.

However this just opened up more questions, and ITV’s Peter Smith (PS) interviewed Ms Sturgeon (NS)

          PS  ‘Are all trans women, women?’

          NS: ‘That is not the point that we are dealing with here…

PS: ‘That is the question I am asking.’

NS: ‘Trans women are women, but in the present context there is no automatic right for a trans woman…’

PS: ‘So there are contexts where a trans woman is not a woman?’

NS: ‘No, there [are] circumstances when a trans woman will be housed in the male prison estate…’

PS‘Is there any context in which a woman born as a woman will be housed in the male estate?’

NS: ‘Look, we’re talking here about trans women…’

PS‘And I’m now asking about women born as women.’

NS: ‘I don’t think there are circumstances there, but…’

PS‘So it’s different for trans women?’

NS: ‘Well, yes…’

Of course the exposure of the lack of logic, that had created 3 sexes: Men, Women and apparently 'Sex Offender' was widely ridiculed ... it was apparent this was a bill that had little support outside of the parliamentary SNP. 

There are also an increasing series of problems in Scotland, that added to this ill thought out bill, and the refusal of the UK Prime Minister to allow another independence referendum (which was confirmed by the constitutional court when she challenged this decision), meant that the Scottish First Ministers job was increasingly more challenging.

So perhaps its not a surprise that she suddenly resigned as Scottish First Minister on the 15th of February 2023. Not too many mourned her departure.

1 comment:

  1. He only got 8 years for two rapes. Not half of the 20 years he should have got. The media are still using feminine nouns for this fully intact male. Woke pathetic.


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