
Friday 3 February 2023

BLM Only When Its A White Killer?

When a white or non black police officer kills a black person in the USA .....

Riots And Looting As A Form Of Protest
Riots And Looting As A Form Of Protest

 .... riots, gunfire, arson, looting and robbery usually quickly follow as part of the black communities idea of lawful and peaceful protest.

Movements such as the Black Lives Matter movement, rally blacks, and white left wing liberals to topple white oppressor statues, and march in protest in the USA, with similar copycat marches in countries such as the UK, where the black situation is generally completely different e.g only 4% of the UK population is black (as opposed to 12.2% in the USA).

But when Tyre Nichols was attacked by five black Memphis Police officers and later died ..... well, no one marches, no BLM calls for race changes, no riots, gunfire, arson, looting and robbery ..... nothing at all really apart from a mothers tears. Hmm, why not?

Could it be that the BLM movement was just rank hypocrisy, because the black community is actually the biggest killer of black people, and everyone in that community secretly knows it? So when its black on black killings, even if they were police officers, there is in the black community merely a collective shrug, with the opinion that its just part and parcel of 'living in the hood.' So its just the professional race warriors and white liberals who even raise a subdued murmur about it, and saying that its not being too surprising, as Memphis is a majority black city where the the majority of the police force is black.

Memphis Police Demographics
Memphis Police Demographics

Similarly when a black Washington DC householder, Jason Michael Lewis shoots and kills a 13 year old black boy in early January 2023, who he thought was breaking into cars, there is a similarly muted response in the black community. Remember what happens when white police officers or householders commit similar offences?

So suddenly when its black on black shootings, its not about the race of the shooter, or of the police officers anymore, but rather its now about whether it was a justified shooting by a householder, or the conduct of all US police officers ..... which now makes these different stories for them to complain about .... somehow.

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