The decision of the US supreme court to disallow some gun control measures in the Washington DC area is covered in other memo's on this blog site.
However as a consequence of this decision, its likely that there will be some increase in the already staggeringly high murder rates in the Washington area, but according to popular expectations, this will be largely in the form of Black on Black crimes in selected areas of the city.
However, it got me thinking about an article I read years ago on the net by an Australian author, which said that most violent US crime wasn't black on black, or white on black but preponderantly Black on White. The author claimed that the US was in a state of low level domestic race war, with Black males killing Whites at a rate of 20 to 1 each year (or something like that) and totalling some 25 million white victims since the end of the second world war.
Its hard to credit figures as large as that going unreported, even in a PC media such as that US, and even a tenth of that would be very large.
To be honest these kinds of stories often are slanted, and when all factors in crime are taken into account, these apparent glaring anomalies are often explained away, but even so, I remember being struck by the story as it had a sort of 'kernel of truth' to it, even with figures that were hard to attribute, and its possible that its because it plays on fears that gives it the feel of credibility.
The article was allegedly written by Paul Sheehan, and is said to have appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, on May 20, 1995, as one of a small series of articles that he alleged the US Media were too frightened to print whilst he was in the US.
I have dug around and found that story referred to or reprinted on several sites, ranging from 'white supremacist defence' sites, to those who are refuting it. I can't remember where I actually saw the story, it certainly wasn't in any of the links below, but its been around a while (over a decade) so it could well have been on a main stream site.
In the interests of balance, I have linked to a few sites that reflect the story as it appears on the web ...... The First site link is to a page which appears to mainly reprint the article with no comment, but is probably linked to a supremacist site so if you are sensitive to this be careful.
And the Second site link has what it says is the full article, plus back up statistical evidence to support its premise, and is obviously in the "Storm trooper" kinda ballpark, so be warned if its not your cup of tea. The Third site link is a critique of the whole story.
The truth, as usual, is likely to lie somewhere between the two, but I doubt that it will ever come out in the main media, being as it is mired in the treacherous waters of race, PC politics, and factual denial by the great and the good, who are terrified of any fact that disputes the "Mass Immigration, multiculturalism is good for the West" version of post war history, that they all peddle.
Still, there will be a lot of interest on the first Washington crime figures published after the gun control has been lifted, to see where, and upon whom, any increase in violent crime (if there is one) falls.
However as a consequence of this decision, its likely that there will be some increase in the already staggeringly high murder rates in the Washington area, but according to popular expectations, this will be largely in the form of Black on Black crimes in selected areas of the city.
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There Are No Agreement Over Exact Figures ... |
However, it got me thinking about an article I read years ago on the net by an Australian author, which said that most violent US crime wasn't black on black, or white on black but preponderantly Black on White. The author claimed that the US was in a state of low level domestic race war, with Black males killing Whites at a rate of 20 to 1 each year (or something like that) and totalling some 25 million white victims since the end of the second world war.
Its hard to credit figures as large as that going unreported, even in a PC media such as that US, and even a tenth of that would be very large.
To be honest these kinds of stories often are slanted, and when all factors in crime are taken into account, these apparent glaring anomalies are often explained away, but even so, I remember being struck by the story as it had a sort of 'kernel of truth' to it, even with figures that were hard to attribute, and its possible that its because it plays on fears that gives it the feel of credibility.
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NYPD Crime Figures 2013 |
The article was allegedly written by Paul Sheehan, and is said to have appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, on May 20, 1995, as one of a small series of articles that he alleged the US Media were too frightened to print whilst he was in the US.
I have dug around and found that story referred to or reprinted on several sites, ranging from 'white supremacist defence' sites, to those who are refuting it. I can't remember where I actually saw the story, it certainly wasn't in any of the links below, but its been around a while (over a decade) so it could well have been on a main stream site.
In the interests of balance, I have linked to a few sites that reflect the story as it appears on the web ...... The First site link is to a page which appears to mainly reprint the article with no comment, but is probably linked to a supremacist site so if you are sensitive to this be careful.
And the Second site link has what it says is the full article, plus back up statistical evidence to support its premise, and is obviously in the "Storm trooper" kinda ballpark, so be warned if its not your cup of tea. The Third site link is a critique of the whole story.
The truth, as usual, is likely to lie somewhere between the two, but I doubt that it will ever come out in the main media, being as it is mired in the treacherous waters of race, PC politics, and factual denial by the great and the good, who are terrified of any fact that disputes the "Mass Immigration, multiculturalism is good for the West" version of post war history, that they all peddle.
Still, there will be a lot of interest on the first Washington crime figures published after the gun control has been lifted, to see where, and upon whom, any increase in violent crime (if there is one) falls.
Update: This post was revised to show crime figures from 2015 and earlier.
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