In March I mentioned that there was an important decision in the US on a gun control scheme in Washington DC due in the US. Well the courts have now ruled and declared this limited control as 'unconstitutional'. In a 5-4 decision, the justices upheld a lower court ruling striking down the ban. They said individuals had a right to keep handguns for lawful purposes.
Maybe not a surprise given the the strength of feeling in the US over the right to own a firearm, but nevertheless this maybe disappointing for those who would want to see some reduction in gun related deaths in the US.
Now given that I have already covered this subject in the blog linked above, and that a welcome contributor Burnt Toast gave us a view from the US, I don't intend to comment further directly on this subject. However it will be interesting to note if the number of gun related deaths, rises in the Washington DC area after this court decision is implemented.
One thing is for sure, the figures won't drop.
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