Ironically because I was off line I wasn't aware that Microsoft had disabled Internet access for all Zone Alarm users ..... this may well have been the main or partial cause of my Internet loss .... however as I also had issues installing AOL9.0VR in January before giving up and re-installing an older version, I am not convinced that I would ultimately have managed to stay with them.
Anyway the dirty deed of leaving AOL is done now, and I am not likely to go back now, if only because it proved to be such a ball ache cleaning up afterwards and I couldn't face all that again in the future. Therefore I am kind of glad and feel 'clean now' (Like when I had reached my first anniversary of giving up cigarettes ... LOL)
So although you didn't mean to be helpful Microsoft, I guess I owe you thanks for forcing me to save money and speed up my Internet experience.
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