
Friday 3 February 2023

Facing Some Hard Decisions

 With our home grown Jihadi warriors now apparently turning their evil intentions ... 

Manchester Arena Bombing

..... to attempting to attack soft targets like concerts or even women's hospitals, we surely have to ask what price we are prepared to pay to host an ever growing community who's children feel its OK to attack us.

How much freedom are we prepared to surrender, to satisfy the PC brigade and the attackers human rights (as opposed to ours)?

I ask this because in the not too distant past (50 or 60 years ago), we would have probably just expelled any group, who refused to integrate and live at peace in our society. But now we are constrained and apparently unable to defend ourselves against a growing threat. As we are seeing by the 20,000 illegal immigrants (nearly all Muslims), who crossed the English Channel this year and last year, and the thousands of again mainly Muslim illegal immigrants at the eastern and southern Europen borders, it often feels more like a full blooded Islamic invasion. 

Its very obvious that many Eastern Europeans do not take the same soft view that Western European governments still do ... but how long before Western public opinion hardens under increasing migrant pressure and Muslim terrorist attacks? 

France for example has a strong right-wing party who would be less willing to let thousands of illegal immigrants roam northern France looking to get in to the UK. The French elections could have easily pushed France in to that direction, and if that eventually happens in the next decade, what happens in the Europe of the EU?

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