
Friday 3 February 2023

Another Phoney's Balony

An American TikTok user named, 'ThatOneTimeTraveler' (who also calls himself Noah, who believes he's a time traveller from the year 2030 AD) ....

ThatOneTimeTraveler Warning

....  appeared on the social media platform in Dec 2021, where he claimed that 'Yes', he was a real time traveller and that he wanted to warn of upcoming dates and the big changes that faced the world in the next four years.

He claimed that he has X-ray "proof" of a device implanted in his hand, which he insisted, helped him jump dimensions for "secret missions." However this technology appears to not be foolproof because quelle surprise, the device,  inserted before he "went back in time," went wrong and he has got stuck in the "wrong year."

His prophesy post read "Yes, I’m a real-time traveller" and claimed there were two important dates to watch out for in December 2021. He had made a similar claim in an earlier TikTok post when he said the "big day is remembered for centuries, and changes how humans live."

ThatOneTimeTraveler Prophesy

The big dates for 2021 were December the 20th, and December the 25th. "December 20th – 8 Humans receive super powers from the energy waves of the sun. December 25th (Christmas Day) – Something big will happen on this day that shocks the world, and changes the way humans live forever. This will 100% prove that I am a real-time traveler, don't forget the date."

Hmm .... well my memory of those dates is hazy, but for December 25th, well nothing but a nice Christmas dinner.

As for the future .... well the "time traveler" (American spellings), said that on August the 20th, 2022 

"The sky across all of Earth will become a bright green color. The reason the sky turns green is because a planet not too far from Earth explodes that is full of green rocks. The green sky lasts for around 5 hours then slowly fades away." ..... again I don't recall the date, which suggests the sky didn't turn green.

For the gamblers (and presumably how he would fund himself ... sorry if this information is too late for you to place a bet!), in 2022 the NBA's Los Angeles Lakers will/would defeat the Brooklyn Nets in game 7 (I looked and they beat the Houston Rockets 95 - 85). Also that in 2024, a 35,000-year-old bunker will apparently be "discovered." The bunker, will supposedly be located in Argentina, and will "has many secrets inside of it, such as ancient times, technology, hidden code, and more." Well given that countries perilous economy, they could do with the boost that would do for them.

He also claimed that the countries known as Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, and Finland will "unite together" in 2027 "creating a massive powerhouse. Other countries like this idea and this starts a big spark in uniting big nations together." .... isn't that what the EU aspires to?

Well that's something to look forward to after the world economic recession, caused by Russia's invasion and the refugee crisis have ended (Events that he apparently considered to be unimportant over the next four years).

Another American TikTok "time traveler" stating he was from the year 2714 AD, from the @aesthetictimewarper account (also known as "a real time-traveler") was a bit more out there in their predictions .... claiming that a hybrid human fish species and an alternative universe will be found. But only after, and this was a nice twist, three teens have already opened a portal to an alternate universe using a T Rex dinosaur egg, way back in December 2021 (leading to all sorts of who knows what future or past troubles?).

The Evolution Of Males And Females Had Taken Different Paths In Atlantis ...

But he also said that in February 2022 the fabled city of Atlantis, would be found somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, and which would be the home of a new hybrid human-fish species .... Damn, in all the Covid crisis and Russian invasion debacle, I must have missed that one as well. 

Actually TikTok by name and Tick Tock by user it seems, as the app is very popular by time travellers as way back in March of 2021, a TikTok user named Javier (@unicosobreviviente) got attention online by claiming that he would be the last remaining survivor on Earth by the year 2027.

Duplicate Planet Not Discovered ...

When the @AuthenticTimeTraveler account began posting with a video predicting that a new planet would be discovered on May 8, 2021 .... "On May 8th, 2021, astronauts will discover a planet exactly like Earth in our solar system. It will be an exact clone of our Earth, with a mirrored effect. This is the first time we find other human life in the galaxy." .... Oops again.

The humans desire to predict the future, or pretend to have knowledge of it by claiming to be from the future never diminishes it seems .... so for more on this ever popular subject go here.

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