
Friday 6 May 2022

Angela And Her Ginger Growler

Perhaps the post should be entitled ....

Anglela And Her Ginger Growler
Angela Holding
Her 'Ginger Growler'

...... 'Partygate Hypocrisy, and Growlergate Lies'

For those readers who don't follow UK politics I perhaps should give a bit of background. During the Covid pandemic, the UK had various lockdowns with rules about isolation, distancing, socialising etc

But Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson was discovered to have socialised with staff and some colleagues for an impromptu birthday party .... this was dubbed 'Partygate' after the Labour Party goaded the metropolitan police in London to investigate and eventually issue £50 ($61.53) fines to the PM and some of the attendees. 

The Labour Party, particularly its leader Sir Keir Starmer and deputy Angela Raynor were particularly smug, and for the many weeks that this rumbled on, repeatedly called for Mr Johnson to resign ..... but this call was, as it turned out, utter hypocrisy.

Because, after denying, aka lying, rumours about both Starmer and Raynor drinking at a social gathering in Durham, the Labour Party, were finally forced to admit, that their deputy leader Angela Rayner, was in fact in attendance at the party activists lock down gathering in Durham, where Sir Keir Starmer drank beer ... all those attending breached Covid regulations. In effect their own 'Labout Partygate' ... strangely Durham police have now reopened the investigation of this alleged breach, after initially concluding that no offence had been established.

Then came another little row, after a journalist, Glenn Owen, observed that Angela Rayner, was well known for crossing and uncrossing her legs to expose her thighs or more, to 'put off' government ministers, especially Boris Johnson ... she of course screeched about lies and misogyny ... and, a Labour Party spokeswoman, said that the story was ‘categorically untrue’ and ‘made up'.

What Boris Sees
What Boris Sees ....

But then up turns a political pod cast, broadcast in January 2022 in which she acknowledged that this was exactly what she did, in a so called 'growler strategy'. In it, Rayner laughed about the Basic Instinct comparisons, joking that it had sparked, an internet meme, of her crossing and uncrossing her legs. This story was also apparently corroborated by four MPs, who had heard Ms Rayner, telling this story and jokingly referring, to her 'ginger growler' on the MP's terrace outside the houses of parliament. 

Rayner Growler Alert
Angela Flaunting It All

So in fact the story the journalist printed, was actually her story and her language. The Labour Party have now vacated the moral high-ground for the rest of this parliament

NB: I had to look this up, but apparently a “growler” is a Yorkshire slang for female genitalia, about as friendly as a bulldog, and not as much fun to kiss.

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