
Friday 20 May 2022

The Worst Of Humanity

He was an Iraqi IS 'fighter'  ......

ISIS Animals - Taha al-Jumailly And His German Jihadi Bride Jennifer Wenisch
ISIS Animals - Taha al-Jumailly And His German Jihadi Bride Jennifer Wenisch

.... and she a German convert to Islam who went to the ISIS caliphate as a Jihadi bride. A match made in heaven or hell .... but a match nonetheless.

The pair owned an enslaved Yazidi woman Nora, and her five year old daughter while living in Fallujah, Iraq in 2015. The captive slave pair had been tortured, and they had threatened the woman with a gun. But she survived the treatment by them, and eventually the fall of IS, and testified at the German trials. Sadly her little girl died when they chained her to a stake by a window in the 50c heat, and let her die of thirst as punishment for wetting her bed.

The Yazidi's Have Long Suffered At The Hands Of Muslims And ISIS
The Yazidi's Have Long Suffered At The Hands Of Muslims And ISIS

Jennifer Wenisch began admitting to someone that she thought was a fellow ISIS sympathiser, that she had actually been a member of the ISIS Al-Khansaa Brigade (ISIS’s brutal morality police), and that she had also owned an enslaved Yazidi woman, when she was trying to go back to Syria after having returned to Germany in the months after the child's death in 2015. 

She had initially claimed on her return to Germany to be simply a victim and dupe of ISIS propaganda, who wanted nothing more than to live peacefully at home in Germany. But after a couple of years, she plotted to return to her husband in Syria/Iraq. The FBI taped her admission, which was made to an FBI agent who was posing as an ISIS travel facilitator.

Jennifer Wenisch Unmasked
Jennifer Wenisch Unmasked

In a Munich court in October 2021, she was found guilty of “two crimes against humanity in the form of enslavement,” as well as aiding and abetting the girl’s killing by failing to offer help. She was sentenced to just ten years imprisonment, which seems light compared to what she has done and her role with ISIS.

Her coward of a husband, Taha al-Jumailly, was eventually arrested in Greece in 2019 (where he had fled), extradited to Germany, and a court in Frankfurt found al-Jumailly guilty of genocide, as well as crimes against humanity, war crimes and human trafficking. He kept his face covered throughout his trial and even fainted when the verdict was delivered, which tells you what sort of a ISIS warrior he really was. He was sentenced to a life term of imprisonment. In Germany, a life sentence is usually 15 years before parole can be considered, and that parole can usually only be blocked for between 2 years (normally) and up to 5 years (exceptionally).

Strangely, unlike the lions Jihadi warriors like to portray themselves as, as mentioned above, they both spent their entire times in court trying to cover their faces ... must be their Islamic modesty ... or could it just be that they somehow expect to be allowed to live freely amongst the despised Kaffir's of the West at some point, and so don't want to be recognised?

They should both have been imprisoned for the whole of their lives, not just him getting a limited 'life sentence', but no doubt they will both eventually end up living in Europe at tax payers expense, after serving about half of their sentences. 

We will eventually reap what we are now sowing ....

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