
Friday 13 May 2022

Nature Finds A Way

Mother nature hates sports, and these usually die out  .....

5G Protection or Idiot Eradication?
5G Protection or Idiot Eradication?

..... this includes idiots.

In the past the stupid were eaten by sabre tooth tigers etc. But in recent times the stupid have proliferated, protected by 'society'. So those who shouldn't be in the gene pool are still with us. But such is their innate stupidity that what 'society' protects them from, they find ways to get around by themselves. 

For instance Anti-Vaxxers are at greater risk of dying than the vaccinated. Similarly the anti-5Gers - those who believe against all the scientific evidence, that the 5G mobile networks cause cancer (The World Health Organization says 5G mobile networks are safe, and not fundamentally different from existing 3G and 4G signals) - have found new ways to kill themselves.

The Dutch authority for nuclear safety and radiation protection (ANVS) has issued a warning about ten alleged '5G protection products' that it found are giving off harmful ionising radiation (in contrast to the Mobile networks which use non-ionising radio waves that do not damage DNA).

The products that are now banned are:

  1. Energy Armor sleeping mask.
  2. Energy Armor black and white necklace.
  3. Energy Armor black super bracelet.
  4. Energy Armor black super necklace.
  5. Magnetix Fit & Slim silicone bracelet XL.
  6. Magnetix Magnetic necklace with negative ions made of skin friendly silicone.
  7. Magnetix Smiley Kids armband with negative ions.
  8. Magnetix Sportboost armband with negative ions.
  9. Quantum pendant.
  10. Basic Nero armband.

All are made in China.

The 10 consumer products examined all contained radioactive substances and they continuously emit ionizing radiation which can have adverse effects on health. The ionizing radiation being emitted can damage tissue and DNA even though the amount of radiation measured on the examined products is low. But if worn continuously e.g. 24 hours a day, the damage done is permanent.

Personally I would have left the products on sale, and helped increase the intelligence pool by eradicating a few idiots .....

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