Fact: There is Global Warming. No disputing It.
There is currently much argument about the extent of human involvement in the global warming that we are currently experiencing. Arguments for and counter views for it not being caused by humans are being put forward.
Over that period we have had periods up to 10 degrees warmer than now, and in fact the "little ice age" of the 14th century is what we are currently coming out of, hence the idea that we are just rising back to the real normal i.e. The temperatures of the medieval warm period, when according to Chaucer there were "vineyards in the north of England". The "Holocene maximum" of 8,000 years ago was warmer than even the medieval warm period ... incidentally, Polar Bears survived through that period when the Arctic ice sheet must have been a lot less than now.
Human CO2 emissions only started becoming recordable in the atmosphere in the last 50 - 60 years. If that was solely the main driver of global warming, then the temperatures should have been more stable in the past, but they weren't, so some other mechanisms must also be driving the temperature rises. It could be volcanic (creating cloud cover) or Sun temperature variance (creating cloud cover .. see below) or maybe a combination of causes ... but not solely by human CO2 emissions as we are led to believe by some campaigners.
Global Warming Gases:
Water vapour is the largest green house gas, CO2 only makes up a small percent of the atmosphere, and the proportion of CO2 that humans are responsible for is even smaller. While the atmospheric parts per million of CO2 have continually increased during recent decades, atmospheric temperatures have risen, and fallen, apparently uninfluenced by any CO2 rises.
The major natural greenhouse gases are:
Temperature Records:
The last 120 yrs land temperature records shows that there were big rises in temperature before 1940, and that it actually fell when the post war industrial boom was taking place between 1945 and 1970... in fact in the early 1970's there were predictions that we were heading back to the ice age again (we are in fact in an inter glacial period). It started rising again during the world depression on the 1970's, when economic activity fell, which goes against the logic of the currently popular theories.
Warming Mechanism:
Ice cores show that first there is a temperature rise (driven by solar activity), and then up to 800 yrs later the CO2 levels rise. In other words it's possibly the temperature rising that produces the CO2, and not the other way round as proposed by Al Gore and others. The mechanism for this is, that as sea temperatures rise, the the seas gives off more CO2 as they warm up, and that as the oceans are so huge, it takes hundreds of years for the seas to warm up in response to those land temperature rises.
This is time response lag is known as "ocean memory", and means that the current sea temperature rises, and the consequent CO2 emissions, are a response to events hundreds, and possibly thousands of years ago. So for instance the warming that occurred after the end of the last ice age (or possibly the little ice age), are the causes of the current sea temperature rises and it's this that drives the current CO2 rises.
Solar Activity (Sun Spots) and Global Temperatures:

Known as the 'Maunder Minimum', the lowest amount of sunspots recorded was during the mini ice age in the 14th century (when it was cold and temperatures fell), and the most solar activity recorded has been in the last 100 years when temperatures have risen. Dr Henrik Svensmark has demonstrated the very exact correlation between cosmic rays, cloud cover and warming on Earth.
The theory is that when ever a star goes supernova, it blasts trillions of charged particles into space, and it's those particles that are constantly hitting the earths atmosphere. Because these particles are positively charged, they attract water molecules and create a large proportion of the earths clouds. When the sun is active, the stronger solar wind prevents the particles hitting the earth, and less clouds are produced, and the temperature rises. When the sun is inactive, more particles hit the earth and the cloud cover rises and the temperature drops.

The other dips correspond to cold periods e.g. 1850 AD .. Charles Dickens recorded ice skating on the Thames river around then.

years. There is some dispute about the "hockey stick" spike at the end, with some people claiming that it was modelled in correctly. Other web sites detail this dispute.
However it is still used by the press so its produced here.

Political Aspect:
Much though it makes most climate scientists uncomfortable, they are in bed with some strange and woolly bedfellows, from the bare chested anarchists who use any cause as an excuse to attack the police on rallies, to the Anti Nuclear, Anti Global trade, Anti Everything "western" brigade.
Ask Dr Patrick Moore, the co founder of green peace, who has turned against the current policies of this organisation. Moore said. "They (political green activists) are anti-science, anti-technology, anti-trade, anti-globalization - not just free trade, but all trade". He said people who embrace extremist views and philosophies believe all large machines are inherently evil, and - worse - science is used to justify positions "that actually have nothing to do with science." Moore believes these viewpoints are naive, including the oft-stated wish to return to a "Garden of Eden." How ironic, he said, that these same people use cell phones, laptops and jet planes as the main tools of their trade.
It's sad that governments, who could afford to check the science, have, led by left leaning governments such as the UK, jumped entirely on the "Human made Global Warming" band waggon, and now advocate restricting peoples activities to suit, what is basically a political creed, rather than totally proven science. Language such as "catastrophic", "irreversible", and "accelerating" are not the words of rational debate.
- A Russian scientist (Habibullo Abdussamatov, Head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory has just reported that Mars, with no humans in sight, has been showing signs of warming up over recent years. "The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said. This conclusion is disputed, however it does add to the general theory that the sun is the driver of temperature on Earth & Mars.
- Two leading UK scientists, both advocates of the bad affects of human CO2, have warned that some environmentalists are jumping ahead of the science when making claims about the affects of Global Warming. It appears that some scientists, are just realising that they may have over egged their case in order to get funds, and that they have created a monster that they can no longer control, one which could end up consuming them as well. A bit late but maybe there's hope for a rational debate even now.... but I doubt it, the genie is out of the bottle now.
The BBC science website have promised to show more on the alternative solar variance theories, after I asked that they not act as though it's a closed debate on anything except "Human CO2" as the main cause.
"Feedback [NewsWatch]
Frankly I still found it unconvincing, because although the last 20 yrs data shows a divergence from trend for 13 of those years, but in reality it has the same weakness as all the pro CO2 (as main driver of global warming) brigade. That is that it relies on data from a very small time scale of the last 50 or even 20 years upon which to base an assumption of trend for the next 300 years.
This is just not sustainable in any other scientific context, where a 20 year blip in a trend taken out of 5,000 years would not be considered significant, and certainly not enough to refute a long term set of data. In fact this is rather a good illustration of how we are being driven by an unscientific agenda on what should be a wholly evidence driven discussion.
NB: Recent studies have found that the ice never completely melted when the last warm period occurred and that some parts of the solar ice caps got thicker (hence the survival of Polar Bears?) ... there is evidence that this is occurring even now. The jury is still out in my world, but I'm willing to believe when more data available.
Update 2022: How times have changed ... this was written in 2007 when the global warming debate had just started ... the science was arguable and many scientists opposed it. Now, 15 years later (where have the years gone?), its pretty much universally accepted that global warming is going on and accelerating in a reinforcing loop-back cycle ... human CO2 is a major driver. I am not on the fence as I was back then but I believe that other factors such as the sun are also occurring, in a nasty coincidence.
There are many of us sceptic who think the science of global warming is just not accurate enough at present.
ReplyDeleteThe theory on this page isnt proved yet either but is worthy of more investigation. In the meantime, it can't be bad if we cut human CO2 even if its not the main cause of global warming.
Deep apologies about not responding. However the lateness allows for perspective .... global warming has definitely been proved but how much is human is still being debated.