You know how all those Mullahs and their supporters, always say that women aren't oppressed under Islam, but rather are respected and safe as long as they dress conservatively (hiding under a tent structure?).
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Egyptian Sexual Harassment Is Rife |
Well as is usual from that source, its actually complete garbage as evidence shows ........
Usually they are tighter than a ducks arse, over admitting to the world that there are any bad issues in an Islamic culture, even apart from the obvious violence, ignorance and hypocrisy by the bucket load, but occasionally there are rents in the facade.
Its long been reported anecdotally, that sexual harassment and assaults/rapes in the Islamic world may be far higher than in the West, but its never been admitted, apart from the occasional attempt at mass public rape by youths.
However in a rare open moment, a recent study has found that in Egypt most women face a daily physical assault on their bodies when walking the streets, and that four out of five women have been sexually harassed, while nearly two-thirds of men admitted assaulting women and see nothing wrong with it.
Its makes no difference if the women are dressed in the full Muslim dress or just normally (even though very conservatively) .... they all run the same gauntlet of sexual harassment and assaults. This despite Al-Azhar, Egypt's top Islamic institution stating that "Harassment is haram [unlawful] under Islamic law and is completely condemned, and cannot be justified. Some people have tried to use the girl's clothes or behaviour as an excuse for the crime of a harasser."
But so much for the respect of Islam ..... mind you what can you expect in a land where males turn to homosexuality (lots of poor boys walking the streets ... but few women), but deny it ever happens. There are streets full of ignorant boys who never see a woman (only 25% of the workforce are females), and who will probably never be married .... assault and rape are the likely outcome, but that can hardly be a total surprise, when you totally distort a society in the name of a religion.
Update: This post was from 2008 ... sadly there have been a large number of well publicised incidents since then, including the gang rapes in Tahir Square, when film of a woman being stripped naked and bloodily sexually attacked in Cairo's Tahrir Square was widely circulated (she eventually escaped to a ambulance with the help of one policeman), and American Newscaster Lara Logan was similarly sexually assaulted in the same location. While a 2017 poll by the Thomson Reuters Foundation described Cairo as the "world's most dangerous city for women".
Women who publicly complain about sexual harassment risk imprisonment, such was the fate for Lebanese tourist Mona el-Mazbouh and Egyptian human rights activist Amal Fathy. It appears that Egypt and its men, are just not prepared to face up to and dealing with the problem, and have just decided to put a veil over it, by censoring any women who complain.
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