It's just been officially announced that after over a decade of unrestricted immigration, England is now the most overcrowded major country in Europe.... this is not news, as all the political parties have connived in New Labours lack of control on third world immigration.
It simply illustrates the sheer level of the criminal negligence implicit in the failure of politicians to defend our borders. In the past this would have been classed as betrayal akin to a treason, but in our PC times, there will be those white haters on the left who will be happy with the news.
We are heading for a time when racial problems will spill into violence .... I say that because flooding one country with foreign and alien peoples will surely cause violence. I cite Fiji, Uganda, Libya, Niger and Malaya as examples of where the native population have reacted violently to perceived mass immigration.
I expect that this news will be ignored by the Government, which after all is the Architect of this mass immigration.
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