The news was broken today that the Japanese Investment bank Nomura has bought 2,500 of the Lehman Bros jobs in London, Europe, and Asia (only the investment bankers of course ....).
Then came the staggering revelation that the 2,500 staff are in negotiations to get their "Bonuses", promised by Lehman Bros before they went bust!! Not grateful for keeping their overpaid jobs, despite running one of the biggest financial institutions into the ground, they want Million pound bonuses to 'keep' their jobs.
Now I feel we should tax every penny of every bonus paid to these idiots, because this is just the Capitalist world gone utterly mad ... these people have cost the US and UK Govt's billions, and Billions, of pounds and dollars, to clean up the mess and they want bonuses!
The BBC reporter who broke this news, also said that he had heard that one individual wanted the £11 million bonus ($22 million) he had been guaranteed by Lehmans (regardless of whether he made and profits for them or not!), and another wanted a mere £1 million bonus, for unravelling his massive trade deals for the liquidators, or new owners.
Such naked greed, and rampant idiocy, is why the whole thing collapsed, and yet apparently the gravy train at the tax payers expense, just carries on with no shame shown .....
The West is eating itself from the inside, like a cancer.
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