
Wednesday 19 November 2008

Prostitutes Face Quizzing Before Sex

Yes, that's right!

This increasingly wacky Government of the UK, has long run out of 'big ideas' (around the fifth year), and now casts around for something to legislate on, in the bizarre belief that 'more' laws are needed every year to keep us happy.

This leaves them open to hijack by the far left, feminists, and the PC driven on their back benches, who come up with "Social policy" ideas that we 'really want', but we don't know it or are just too stupid to ask for.

In the past this little cabal of legislators prompted such wonders of social policy as

Jaqui Spliff, who may be the worst 'home secretary' in British political history, has sponsored a new bill to make it a criminal offence (Rape charges) to 'knowingly' have sex with a woman who was trafficked into the UK to become a prostitute. Specifically they are open wording it, to anyone having sex with any woman who is "controlled for another person's gain".

Another piece of feminist nonsense from the PC left .... are 'punters' now going to ask "Excuse me Luv, but how much is it for a quickie .... Oh and by the way are you controlled by international slave traffickers, drug dealers, a pimp, or any sort of warlord, or are you self employed?"

Daft & unworkable.

  • How would you ever prove that a user of prostitutes was aware of the circumstances?
  • How many prostitutes would ever testify in court?

It may even be dangerous legislation, and I would be interested to know if, where prostitution has been severely curtailed by laws, the number of rapes etc has gone up?

Its obviously a risky possible side effect, of making sex workers and their clients go underground.

New Labour Style Prostitutes

This Govt has bigger worries such as granting 300,000 false visa's every year ... could that be where many foreign sex workers get in to the UK, through the open front door?

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