
Sunday 2 November 2008

President Obama or President McCain?

By Wednesday we should know (hanging chads permitting).

The whole world watches this election (maybe in the future it will be China), and the result has consequences for every person on the planet.

  • For Europe, its a misguided belief that 'change is good' and 'Black' being the biggest change is therefore better. The idea that at all Democrats are Pro-European socialists is what drives the interests of many. I suspect it makes no practical differences as US politicians are all to the right of EU politics.
  • For China and Russia, its important on the military and economic fronts, as they are rivals in these spheres.
  • For the new economies such as India, Brazil and China, its important because, as they have just discovered, when the US sneezes, they get a cold (they are still economic midgets compared the US, Japan and EU).
  • For Africa, its a chance to beg for more money and demand 'reparations' for every ill that they inflict upon themselves.
  • For the Middle East, the Arabs wait in vain for the 'Anti Israeli' President who will disarm Israel, and allow 'Arab armies' (surely an oxymoron?), to drive Israel into the sea. The Iranians hope for a weak President so they can complete their nuclear bomb program.
  • For South America, its fortress USA or open arms USA .... possibly (oddly the republicans such as Spanish speaking Bush, have shown more interest in allowing Hispanics in via Green cards).

So for one reason or another, we all have a stake in Tuesdays ballot and therefore I like the rest will follow the process closely.

At present it looks like President Obama, but maybe just maybe there will be a last minute twist and we will be just a 'stroke' away from President Palin!

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