
Sunday 23 November 2008

Labour politicians fear "BNP" votes

Hazel Blears the the communities secretary and representative for the "working class" constituency of Salford (Greater Manchester) has expressed concern that the British National Party (BNP) is making inroads into "white working-class voters " in inner cities.

Salford is another of those "Socialist paradises", that litter most the very same 'inner cities' where the BNP has gained a measure of support, and in fact in early 2005, Riga appealed to the European Union to advise people against travelling to Salford, after a Latvian man was stabbed in the head in Lower Broughton. However, city councillors have insisted that Salford is a safe place to visit.

In August 2005, a survey by Channel 4 television, rated the city as the 9th worst place to live in the UK (based on criteria of crime, education, environment, lifestyle and employment) ..... so Ms Blears may be displaying a measure of self interest with these claims, as her constituency seems a prime candidate for vote desertion to the BNP.

She has made similar claims before (usually just before an election .... so watch this space!), but as usual she fails to explain why all the areas where the BNP makes gains are 'lifetime Labour wards', or why the Labour Party has lost the support of so much of the "White working class vote", who formerly were the bedrock of the Labour parties support?

Its all very strange, because if she really understood the "white working class voter" as she would likely claim, then she could spot the reasons why labour is losing them ..... religion, culture, race and mass immigration!

Purely and simply the white unemployable class voter, is being threatened by the rise of the unemployable Muslim immigrant, and they don't like it.

  • They can't get council housing because labour policy is to grant these houses to asylum seekers and immigrants on the basis of greater need.
  • They no longer get the level of council services supporting their lifestyles, that their mothers got (they are usually single mother households), because these go elsewhere now.
  • They find that other services such as health and education are stretched thin by the high Muslim immigrant usage.
  • They are told that they can't 'insult' Islam, but no one defends their culture from the radical Muslims. e.g. School Nativity plays cancelled as it 'may offend a Muslim'
  • There are also increasingly violent clashes between 'locals' and 'immigrants', often over cultural and language issues.
And in all this, the labour party is perceived as taking the immigrant side.

That, Ms Blears is why you and your party are in danger of losing the white working class voter.

This blog has touched on the rise of the BNP before, but it seems to take our mainstream politicians by surprise. It can easily be tackled (as long as the PC left are ignored) by some simple measures on these lines.
  • Halt all non EU immigration (including the 'arranged marriage scam' .... there are enough Asians in the UK to not have to send to Pakistan or Bangladesh for 'partners',
  • Stop the priority allocation of social housing to immigrants, and
  • Accept that white culture is as valid as all the others in the 'multicultural model' that you are ramming down our throats,

and you might win that vote back.

As for the other 'mainstream parties', well Ms Blears will no doubt remember the cries of "Racists" that accompanied every attempt by the other parties to discuss the immigration policies of the UK, she may even have been a cheerleader of the left wing 'Boo Boys' who succeeded in completely stifling the discussions? My how we laughed!

There has always been a tacit agreement in British politics, that anti immigrant votes could be safely siphoned to the Tory party, and that the loony left could be partially housed in the Labour party, but the "New Labour" experiment of Brown and Blair, broke that consensus.

Now the Tories are no longer the natural home of the right wing (as Cameron moves to the centre ground), and that has left a dangerous vacuum, that the BNP is exploiting.

That's why the white working class vote, that formerly would defect to the Tories (under Mrs Thatcher), now has bypassed them and gone to the BNP.

In any event you may well live to reap what you have sown, with the white working class turning to the BNP in labour areas.

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