Saturday, 28 February 2009
A Potpourri Of Political Moralities
Recently I mentioned the Asian Labour Peer, Lord Ahmed, in connection to a blog about 'Freedom of Speech' being eroded in the UK, to satisfy radical Muslim 'sensibilities' ..... News this week that the same Lord Ahmed has been jailed for careless driving. So British social policy was set by a man who doesn't obey the laws of this land?
UK Justice Secretary Jack Straw, who has featured in these pages before when Condoleezza Rice couldn't visit parts of his Blackburn constituency because of protests from Muslims, was in the news this week, when Nigerian fraudsters hacked into his constituency computer and issued 'begging e-mails' to everyone on its address book. The e-mails claimed he had lost his wallet on charity work in Africa, and needed $3,500 US dollars to get home.... if only it was true, instead the man charged with administering law in the UK and protecting us, is not even safe from criminal activities at his own office.
Hazel Blears, who was in these pages when she expressed her fear and concern that the British National Party (BNP) is making inroads into the "white working-class voters " in the inner cities (again!). Has now been caught short on the road to Damascus and announced that British values 'must be defended' now .... oddly, thats the line the BNP also take.
And finally, this Blog has reported frequently on the fact that British passport holders of Asian descent are taking 'killing holidays' to Iraq and Afghanistan to attack or support attacks on British Troops.
These people are surely 'traitors'? But in PC Britain, not one politician has spoken out on this "non subject", presumably for fear of being classed a "Racist". Can you imagine if Britons of German descent had popped over to the continent to fight against British troops, and then come home for a well earned 'R&R' in Bradford or Oldham?
Well this week more of the press reported on this story, and I am interested to see how far behind public opinion the UK's cowardly MP's are. The story hit both national and regional newspapers without apparent comment from those in charge of this country.
Oddly, according to the aforesaid Ms Blears new credo, MP's should be defending British "core values", which I have always assumed included not attacking our soldiers. In her role as "Communities Secretary", she said that there were clear boundaries about what was acceptable in British society and that "At times leaders have been reluctant to challenge absolutely unacceptable behaviour - forced marriage, female genital mutilation or homophobia - because they are concerned about upsetting people's cultural sensitivities." ...... err what about being a traitor?
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Its a Pucking World

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Lord Ahmed has been convicted of rape and sexual assault committed in the 1970's. He finally resigned from the House of Lords in November 2020, before he could be expelled/stripped of his title. His older brothers Mohammed Farouq, 71, and Mohammed Tariq, 65, managed to convince the courts that they were unfit to stand trial, despite facing charges of indecent assault against the same boy abused by Lord Ahmed. However despite not facing a criminal trial, the jurors concluded that they did commit the alleged acts after hearing evidence in the case.
ReplyDeleteThis paedophile has managed to influence policies in the UK to favour Muslim sensibilities over those of European culture. Are we going to review all those earler interferences he made? Are the Labour party going to apologise for promoting him to the lords despite the fact that his behaviours should have set off alarm bells well before he was elevated to the lords?
As has been said by you on a number of posts - we reap what we sow.
The BBC story here
Thanks for the post(s) on this story. Saved me some work updating those posts! Actually this story was pretty well buried under regional news by the BBC which is strange considering that his numerous claims of racism /anti-Islam /Islamophobia etc always were main news for the BBC in the past.