
Friday 20 February 2009

Our Country Cousins Of The Past

Neanderthals, our genetic cousins sadly died out about 25,000 yrs ago. In the Homo Sapiens centred bias we were often taught that they were just out thought and out competed by the 'more intelligent' humans.

However a recent revision of the Neanderthals life suggests that the poor sods were done by the first "Climate Changes".
The Neanderthals were on this Earth for around 400,000 yrs (Homo Sapiens have been around a mere 200,000!) and dominated Europe, hunting big game such as mammoth and bison.

Neanderthal Face
Neanderthal Face

They survived several Ice Ages but the period just after the last one seems to been the killer blow .... it may be that this time the Humans were here (which they hadn't been on earlier occasions) and this seems to have done for the Neanderthals. This event, known as Heinrich Event 2, could have caused severe drought conditions in Iberia, affecting the supplies of food and water for the last isolated bands of Neanderthal hunters.

An exceptionally cold and variable climate might have driven the disappearance of Ice Age animals, upon which the Neanderthals relied for food. In addition, climate change probably cleared Europe of its forests, creating an open environment that did not favour the Neanderthals.

The Red Headed Neanderthals may well have been musical as this web story suggests with singing and dancing, and there is a brief excerpt from an imagined Neanderthal knees up.

It's apparent that we weren't that original after all, maybe God or an Intelligent designer had one go before humans? Funny we didn't hear about the earlier Adam and Eve.

Or maybe its simply called evolution .......


  1. Don't know about Cousins ..... looks more like my ex

    Annie UK

  2. Actually Annie, he looks like a Salford man to me :-)


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