Saturday, 7 February 2009
Talebans War on Women
Now women can't be served in restaurants after an increasing number of restaurants in Quetta have stopped serving women, apparently after being pressured by "religious elements".
Some popular restaurants have now begun to display boards saying, “For gentlemen only. Women not allowed”. As the self-proclaimed champions of Islam, the Pakistani Taleban believe that eating outside along with one’s family is 'un-Islamic', they have been pressuring the owners of these restaurants to permanently shut down the sections of the restaurants which were formerly exclusively for women and families.
This all stems from the fact that women in Islam are treated badly enough even in enlightened times, and these aren't enlightened times in Islam.
Women in the West are blithely ignorant of what is coming unless we stop the PC apologists trying to appease Muslim elements amongst us. These practices, restricting women's lives to that of mere chattels of men are common in the Muslim world, and are not going away, but rather are spreading across regions accompanied by the gun.
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Its a Pucking World

Dreamberry Wine Cover
The news from SWAt and elsewhere in Pakistan just gets worse.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that many in Pakistan have blinkers on (or want whats happening to succeed) and that the future looks very grim.
I hope I am wrong but I looked at that Pakistan blog site on your links and they seem to think that the state has lost control of Swat.
Mo as I have just blogged in "Pakistans Taleban Dilema", Pakistan has lost control of SWAT and those girls are now subject to Taleban led Sharia laws. In practise they will have no schooling and be child brides.