Political Correctness is a dangerous creed for democracies to practise, as these pages have noted in the past. As part of an occasional series called "The faces of Modern Britain" I am documenting the general decline and breakup of 'national unity' in the UK as the true cost of following this creed in areas such as 'Immigration, Law and Order, and general accepted standards' are slowly being revealed.
Last time it was the face of the modern criminal gang, this week is my attention was drawn by the spectacle of British troops being abused in the street by Muslim "Anti War demonstrators", while the Non Muslim crowd were trying to support them.
The local press "Luton protest 'an insult to our soldiers", and national press, took a strong view on both the protesters, and the nature of their abuse, as did some politicians such as Dr Liam Fox (Conservative) who said: "This is offensive, appalling and disgraceful. It is only because of the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces that these people live in a free society where they are able to make their sordid protests."
However the fact remains that the only people arrested by the police, were two Non Muslims, for arguing / abusing with the protesters ... where were the arrests for those protesters 'inciting racial and religious hatred'?
After all the placards said such things (and the video clips and pictures confirm it) as "Anglian Soldiers: Butchers of Basra" and "Anglian Soldiers: cowards, killers, extremists". One also read: "British Government Terrorist Government." ... Ah well that law only applies if you insult Islam (apparently)..... much the same happened in the Danish Cartoon row, where only non Muslim counter protesters were arrested.
Of course to the PC ridden BBC, these were just "Two held during parade protests" or "Anti-war protest at parade" ... the words 'Muslim' were mostly exercised from the reports. But as we at this blog have noted before, the BBC is not reporting the facts when it talks of Muslims, rather it follows a particular 'editorial line', which is very much the same as the labour parties denial that, Muslim immigration is turning into a dangerous piece of social engineering (the long term results of which are far from certain).
Denying "Inconvenient Truths" always backfires in the long run, and the BBC and Government are causing much resentment, by pretending that Islam is not becoming an increasing problem in the UK.
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