Saturday, 24 October 2009
Question Time, Is Grilling Time!
In fact the whole program was an attack on the right winger (who, lets not put to fine a point on it, is a 'holocaust denier' and Klu Klux Clan supporter, and therefore somewhat ridiculous), and completely skewed into just a personal attack on the leader of the BNP. This what was not the normal format of the show, and thus wasn't an ordinary edition of the show, which would have featured questions on the 'mail strike', the 'economy', or even god forbid, the fact that under pressure of mass immigration, the population of the UK is due to rise to 71 million!
And therein lies the rub, because as this blog has discussed already, its the Labour Party has presided over the complete collapse of immigration controls in the UK, and in particular, in the rise of Muslim and African immigration, which has caused mass disquiet in the UK, and led to the rise in BNP votes in 'traditional white working class' areas i.e. traditional labour voters.
Not once did any of the 'mainstream' politicians admit that this rise in BNP support came solely because they have all failed to restrict immigration, or even discuss the matter openly with the British public.
"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" .... and the UK is set for social problems for decades as a result of the rise in immigrant numbers, and thus the anti immigration parties will continue to garner large measures of support from the electorate.
Ironically, the mass attacks on Griffin, are being led by a Kenyan born, South African educated left wing politician, and appear to have backfired and led to a rise in support for the anti-immigration stance of the BNP, according to news reports.
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An oppertunity wasted. Instead of a whole programme aimed at getting at Griffin, it would have been better to let him debate normal political issues, which maybe would have shown his total inexperience.
ReplyDeleteAs it is, we had 45 minutes of relentless attack of a personal nature, which only showed that bigotry is not the sole possesion of the BNP.
A goverment run tv channel, having it's mainstream political discussion programme turned over to one subject, while ignoring other pressing national needs. You don't think that the BBC and Labour planned it do you?
I agree, it backfired simply because it was seen as 'unfair' somehow.
ReplyDeleteThe left always use a sledgehammer to tackle every 'issue'