
Saturday 10 October 2009

Nobel Commitee, A Laughing Stock(holm)

The Nobel Committee has made themselves and their organisation, a complete laughing stock, by their decision to award President Barack Obama the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

Worst Peace Prize - Awarded For Being A Black US President
Worst Peace Prize - Awarded
For Being A Black US President?

This despite the fact that he has only been US President for a few months, was completely unheard of prior to becoming President, and has done absolutely nothing to increase peace in the world, except be black, oh, and be the first black US President.In a shameless bit of 'PC racism', this supposedly prestigious award has apparently been handed out, apparently for no better reason, other than to allow a bunch of euro-socialists and left wingers to bask in their own 'multiculturalism', by giving the award to Obama simply because of his colour and race.

Is this a harsh assessment?

Well I ask you, what has President Obama ever done to promote or enhance world peace in either the last eight months in office as US President, or even the last eight years? He hasn't even managed to get Israel to stop building houses in East Jerusalem.

The key to mine and many others complaint, is that if he was a white US President with Obama's 'peace' record, would he have merited this award? I would suggest absolutely not, and that means he was given it because of his colour and nationality, and for no other reason.

Who were the other nominees?

Well, the names of the nominees and other information about the nominations cannot be revealed until 50 years later, however its an open secret that Morgan Tsvangirai the Zimbabwean Prime Minister was the 'favourite' before Obama became US President ....... was he a more worthy winner, well we won't find out for sure for 50 years, but I would suggest that he probably was ... he certainly couldn't have been any worse ... it might even have allowed him to topple dictator Mugabe and establish democracy.

Update 2015:

Geir Lundestad, who stepped down in 2014 as secretary of the Nobel committee has admitted that the Nobel awards committee had given him the Nobel peace prize in the hope that the award would strengthen Mr Obama, and said that even Mr Obama himself had been surprised .... to be given the prize after just 8 months in office. "Even many of Obama's supporters believed that the prize was a mistake," he says. "In that sense the committee didn't achieve what it had hoped for."

President Obama had even considered not actually going in person going to pick up the award in Norway's capital, Oslo ... but was persuaded it would look bad. 

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