In preparation for the Football World Cup in South Africa ....
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South African Township |
..... teams are taking in to account the war zone levels of murder and mayhem that are a feature of that countries lifestyle.
The mighty Germans for example, are being issued with bullet proof vests as they have been warned that they will need to wear these vests if they venture away from the team hotel at next year’s tournament in South Africa.
“The possibility for the players of moving outside of the hotel boundaries should be kept to a minimum, otherwise there must be a full escort: armed security guards and bullet-proof vests for the players....”
.... said BaySecur’s Guenter Schnelle. BaySecur look after the the German Football Federation, and their guests whenever the national team play away from home i.e. On foreign tours.
Just remember lads, that it was another führer, who is largely responsible for the World Cup going to South Africa, despite the horrific crime rate, that would normally have been a block on such an award being made.
Very probably, it will all go OK, but it's not Germany, there will be no walking about near the grounds (except just before and after the matches), because frankly its 'scaryville' round many of them, especially in Johannesburg, which is a violent place.
I know that I'm probably being a little pessimist, but I fear that many fans may come to harm at this World Cup, because there has not been enough publicity being given out, on just how careful tourists have to be to be safe in that country.
If I am wrong about this, I will be very happy to apologise to the citizens of that country.
Update: Apologies or congratulations to the South African security forces. It passed off largely trouble free, by the simple expedient of preventing locals from the townships getting to the venues or tourist areas .... safety was put above human rights, to the benefit of all .... but as expected the stadiums are now expensive white elephants.
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