They are now accused of betting scams, on such things as 'no balls' (I can't even begin to explain this to non cricket countries .... but its not terribly important, usually), and is not actually match fixing. The accusation is that Pakistani players were secretly paid to deliberately bowl the 'no-balls,' so gambling syndicates could spread bet on the number of them and make money.
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Ball Tampering Examination |
The reason why the Pakistani cricket team are here in the first case, is because no other country wants to tour there to play cricket, for fear of being attacked. And on a previous tour of England, the Pakistanis were accused of tampering with the ball ..... a row which almost split world cricket..... it wasn't the first time these allegations had been made either.
The Pakistani cricket team are poison to the world game, but such is the fear of 'losing the subcontinent's' money in a split, that I won't be surprised if they bury this event, and after some bans (which will be overturned a few months later), business as usual will resume.
Update 2022: England finally resumed touring Pakistan in 2022 .... a break of 17 years.
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