
Sunday 29 August 2010

The 700

There are only 700 wild Mountain Gorillas left in the world, and they will likely be extinct before my death ..... Mankind is eating them, stealing their habitats, and nothing can stop this now.

We have charities and NGO's constantly but illogically asking us to 'save children', or give 'clean water', or 'food aid' etc etc, all of which are intended to bypass the last controls on the breeding of the human race.... Disaster, Famine, War and Plague.

Now I know how this sounds, but I think its the way its always been. The human race has always over bred, but historically this has been controlled by localised famines or plagues, which meant that the survivors of these events had land and food etc .... so they bred like rabbits, and eventually another famine or plague came along to control events.

Now though, we fight the epidemics, or the natural disasters, or famines, and in percentage terms very few actually die, but the birth rate is as high as ever (only starting from a higher base number than should have been the case), so when the next controlling event comes along, more people are at risk, and the efforts to save them are even more strenuous and so it goes on ........ until the fall.

At some point in the future there will be no way to feed, clothe or house all the people in some disaster or another. More people will die, than ever would have done before we interrupted natures only controls over the threat that we are.

There will be a cataclysm of violence at some time in the future (2050 AD is the date of choice for me) over water, food, land and the West will have all it can do to defend itself and its borders (as well as feed itself) from those attempting to enter, without trying to 'police' the rest of the world.

The human race is showing no sign of slackening its birth rate, and every disaster such as those in Pakistan or in China are fuelled by the tree felling for fuel, which allow floods to develop that would never have been so severe if the tree lines had been maintained. 

So the '700' will become the '300', then the 'extinct', as surely as day follows night ...... how sad it is to be living in a world in which the human race exterminates all the wild things, before eventually killing ourselves.

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