Now that my destiny is back in my own hands, my thoughts turned to the famous advertising campaign that removed the last Labour Government after a deep recession, soaring unemployment and industrial disputes, and public finance problems (sound familiar?).
The much copied and admired poster, which was on billboards and hoarding across the land was by Saatchi and Saatchi ....

Its sentiment and style is much reproduced such as in this cartoon by Schrank from The Independent on Sunday

Which shows bankers and fat cats lining up for cash from Gordon Brown.
In fact so succesful was the poster, that with unemployment due to rise for at least another few quarters, there is speculation that it will reappear in the next election if this is a major issue.
We appear to be coming to the end of a political cycle and even full circle, with events uncannily playing out like they did in 1979. Except that I am thirty years older!
NB: I took the images from the net, where they are freely produced but if any copyright accidently infringed, just email me and I will remove immediately.
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