
Saturday 28 November 2009

Indian Holiday Brides

Women's rights activist Daljit Kaur has claimed that "There are 15,000 to 20,000 abandoned brides in India," where its apparently common for Asian men from the UK, Canada and the US to 'marry' desperate Indian women while 'on holiday', only to then abandon them in India when they go back to the West.

Indian Abandoned Brides A Scandal
Abandoned Brides A Scandal

What was a particularly sad about this story was the fact that despite being outlawed since 1961, in many cases a dowry had been demanded by these 'Western Indians', which just adds insult to injury. Apparently a British Indian groom can command a dowry of up to £20,000 in the Punjab.

It would be nice to think that the British government would help track down and financially punish these cruel and avaricious men, but given the fact that they are not white men, it's just not PC to suggest that there is anything morally wrong in this behaviour, which can only be classed as 'cultural' and therefore beyond reproach.

In fact despite the evidence of abuse, the UK government treats the men as 'victims' with claims that the British government's 'Forced Marriages Unit' has been dealing with a rising number of forced marriage cases involving British men.

However Indian politicians such as Balwant Ramoowalia, of the Lok Bhalai party in Punjab, are not restrained by PC bullshit, and believe that both India and Britain should clamp down on this odious practice. He said: "If there is any misconduct, cheating or fraud, the husband should be sent back to India. There should be a provision that maintenance should be given to the girl till the case is final."


  1. I have never heard any Western politicians condemnation of this practice, which I assume means its still goes on, and remains unpunished.

    1. In response to your comment I took a quick look but could find no update on this story. Thanks for the comment.


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