
Saturday 28 November 2009

Ethnic Cleansing In Vineyards

Still in South Africa, another, but little remarked upon, outbreak of ethnic cleansing happened again last week. The violence was sufficient to cause the UN to condemn the attacks against Zimbabweans seeking work in South African vineyards, which it says have driven 3,000 people from their homes.

We Are Used To Seeing Kill The Boer Slogans

The police turned out to prevent actual murder, but did little or nothing to stop the destruction of the refugees homes, or theft of their belongings. Ironically the Zimbabweans are only in South African because the South African government backed Mugabe's rape and destruction of their country, which started the last decade with its citizens richer than the average South Africans.

Kill The African Campaigns Are Relatively New To South Africa ...

South Africa is keen to show the world that poverty and crime is under control in preparation for next year's World Cup. But for millions of South Africans the reality is very bleak with township riots caused by residents being angry at the lack of decent housing and basic services, such as water and electricity.

Expect further trouble in the next few months.

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