
Saturday 7 November 2009

Whats the Link?

Sad news from the US and Afghanistan this week where unarmed British and American soldiers were attacked by gunmen and large numbers were killed.

In the US an Army Major has opened fire on fellow soldiers at the Fort Hood military base in Texas, killing at least 13 people and injuring up to 30. The US major, Nidal Malik Hasan is US born and he was described in reports as a devout Muslim who attended prayers regularly.

In Afghanistan, five unarmed British soldiers who were training Afghan police were killed when one of policemen named as 'Gulbuddin' turned his guns on them, and then escaped. He is said by tribal sources to have links with the Taliban. He is believed to have escaped to them, where he has allegedly been welcomed.

If a religion says that you can get to paradise by killing non believers, even if they are unarmed, then these sorts of murders can happen anytime, and anywhere, whenever a follower of that religion feels like it and has opportunity ........


  1. We are not allowed to answer the question "Whats the link?" ..... its a part of the times we live in that the truth is being suppressed.

  2. PC politics and politicians are my pet hate. Its a left wing socialist replacement for communist ideology, and should be clearly identified for what it is.


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