
Sunday 13 June 2010

Labour's Phoney Debate

The Labour Party Leadership fight was given an artificial 'boost' when Dianne Abbot surprisingly got past the thirty supporters mark that was needed to get to the next stage of the contest ...... then came the revelations.

The main candidates are Andy Burnham, David Miliband, Ed Miliband and  Ed Balls (after left winger John McDonnell pulled out). However Ms Abbot had not picked up enough votes, and looked to be out of the contest until fellow candidate David Miliband then said he would give her his support (he already had all he needed), and encouraged others to do so - so in stepped acting party leader Harriet Harman, who said she wanted to see a woman in the contest.   

Ms Abbot, doesn't consider it in the least demeaning that the only way she could get to be the token women / ethnic candidate was by the artificial process of vote stuffing, and the support of a white middle class male. But then as we know she has that facility of saying one thing and doing another (aka hypocrisy), so she can apparently genuinely believe that this shows she has a body of support in the Parliamentary Labour Party.

"There's been a huge surge of letters and emails from party members saying that they wanted a diverse group of people running in this leadership contest and I think David Miliband and others responded to the feelings of the membership."

"There is nothing artificial about the party's and public's interest in my candidacy," she told the BBC News channel, adding that she expected to win backing "from across the party" once the contest got under way for real.....

Still she won't have to worry in the future as Ms Harman has also confirmed that from now on the Labour Party cabinet posts will be determined by gender quotas (that give women 50% of the seats even though they only make up 25% of the MPs), so it's only a matter of time before its 'ethnic quotas' as well, so she will probably become leader without the need to ever be voted in, when Labour next get a chance to make race quotas the law next time they are in power.

What a nasty prospective future they are leading us all towards...... it will come though. As a white male, I may as well emigrate now, because "there's no future. In Labour's dreaming," (with apologies to the Sex Pistols)       



  1. She is such a hypocrite and useless lump. She can't garner enough support amongst her colleagues becasue that know what a waste of breath she is .... will they discuss education in the leadership debates or is it a non subject when she turns up?

    If she is leader will she close private schools, but only after her son has finished his private education?

    Why give her the oxygen of publicity that she so obviously courts.

  2. I can't get over the fact that they seem to have completely forgotten that they were in power for the last 13 years, and ran the country into ground.

    They keep going on about "Tory cuts" as though there is no reason for the budget cuts being requireed, and certainly as though they never had anything to do with the mess we are in.

  3. The years of power and misrule appear to have turned some of them mad ..... a sort of punishment of the gods!


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