
Sunday 18 July 2010

PC Madness (Part 1)

A former Labour council candidate, Ghulam Rasul Shahzad, has persuaded a shopping centre to install squat boxes in the toilet cubicles of  a shopping centre in Rochdale Lancashire .... these odious devices, which in Turkey and other Muslim countries are usually filthy and stink of their contents, are as un-British as its possible to get in the land of Thomas Crapper.

It should be pointed out that not one asian in the UK has a squat box in their homes, as the UK plumbing system is not really able to support them .... if I saw one I would immediately vacate that establishment, never to return ..... I can't say that I have visited Rochdale more than once, but I certainly won't be again.

But that's part of the point isn't it, to separate Muslims from the others, and establish areas inside the UK where the new arrivals can flourish without having to adapt ..... it's a racing certainty that no native Brits will use these squatters, whereas the Asians can use either, thus they get what they want, their own 'special' facilities, whilst still being able to use the rest.

If you want to know how to adapt to the new reality of life in Britain, especially as our mad government is still pushing for 77 million Turks to be allowed to join the EU (its easy to guess where 1 or 2 of the most illiterate and most radical of them will end up), then here's a guide from another site on how to become third world.

It's hard to see this sort of thing not eventually ending in tears, as we give in to the constant drip by drip of demands by any one group to be treated as 'special' .....

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